Summertime can be a good time to enjoy your family.  Yes, if you have several children, it may mean entertaining them or being more vigilant about shuffling your schedules.   I  also think it is a good time to let the kids sleep in, go on their camping trips, or just hang out around the house.

The best times in my life were being free of commitments and riding my bike around the neighborhood.  I recall when my kids were young, they’d come home with wild mulberries or just play in the yard with the sprinklers.  There was away camp,  programs with the park district,  YMCA, and sleepovers.  Not all exciting, but good and safe times.

Rushing is not good.   All the time we save while rushing  is lost when we least expect it.  I have to cross a set of railroad tracks to come to work each day.   I can lose a great deal of time waiting for trains to pass.  My 5 minute journey can more than double in time.  I have no option but to wait.   I have learned to accept these  times to sit quietly and be patient.  I figure these are bonus minutes to just breathe.File Jul 13, 11 45 38 AM

Earlier today I was trying to get out of the office.  I had plenty of mail to get out and it was all ready except for the seals on the back of the envelops.

I like to put that finishing touch on the mail.   The seals are on rolls.   Well I grabbed the roll and it slipped out of my hand onto the carpet.  The picture captures it well.

Of course, being in a hurry meant another few minutes would be lost taking the time to re-roll and put the desk back in order.     This was a perfect example of how things go when we rush.  It was just annoying.

We need to unwind in productive ways.  Deep breathing, exercise, and sufficient rest help us to keep on task and not explode over little irritations.  Enjoy each moment. Unwind with a cold beverage, listen to some music, and/or read a good book.  Call a friend over for a salad–just enjoy!

Have a great day!  Hope you find a few mini miracles exploding over the weekend.    ” Delight in Living”

