Setting Yourself Up for Success

Well everyone knows that the idea of success is different for each one of us.   Do you know what spells s-u-c-c-e-s-s for you?  Does it mean you get a higher paying job?  Does it mean you stay focused enough to learn something new?  Does it mean valuing people in your life?

When I look at how people succeed, I look to mentors who have helped me.  I feel very grateful to people who have given me help along the way.   After my mother and dad died, I had a neighbor Shirley.   She was a great help whenever I needed anything, day or night.   She was always encouraging me to write, included me in community functions, and often joined our family in celebrating holidays and birthdays.   When she moved away we still remained kindred spirits.  She allowed me to be myself and grow at my own pace.   In recent years she has endured many health obstacles, but still is so real and encouraging.

Next was my friend Sue who is still near and dear.   We have journeyed the last 26 years together through ups and downs.   We traveled together, ate many meals, and discussed many topics. She has mentored me with parenting and life.

Back my children were in their Jr. High years I had a Spiritual Director named Eileen who kept me on track.   She always seemed to make life’s struggles tolerable.  She mentored to me by her example of traveling, helping with Bible Studies, and encouraging me to accept the reality of things. She listened to me and made simple suggestions that worked for her. She was a graduate of Chicago School of Theology in her later years and inspired many people there as well.  I lost this dear friend to cancer.  IMG_4556

In business, a few people have directed and taught me the simple things that could have otherwise  buried me.   I would have ended in shackles like at this wax museum; limp and doomed. Knowing who to trust and talk to is half the battle.

So to me success is a journey that is ongoing with having mentors and help along the way.   It is a means of getting to  goals by working together with other people. I believe these people were creating mini miracles for me just by being present in my life.

Who in your life has inspired you to go forward?  How have they made success a daily word for you?   How can you pass this on to other people?  Delight in Living today and always.