Deposits come in all forms when it comes to our health. 

Sleep is a necessity!    Yes sleeping well may come and go in your life, but it is important.  We all need rest just like a small baby that is maturing.  Our bodies need to shut down and restore!  Take simple steps like going to bed and getting up at the same time each day.   Make your place for sleeping strictly for resting, not television, or eating time.  Shutting off Facebook and the light of the computer can be extremely helpful.  Relax with a book to relieve stress .

Using our time well.  Having 24 hours a day is too short for some people.   They use every minute to complete the things on their schedules.  Arranging time for everything may take practice, but it pays dividends.  Giving away time actually helps one rearrange priorities.

For others, time drags on and on.  This is true for the elderly, or  those with a lack of mobility.  As good neighbors and citizens it is good to help drive people around, visit them, or listen to their woes.  If you are closed in or alone, ask for help and make yourself available.  I knew a lady who always complained about being lonely, but then made excuses when people reached out to her.File Apr 19, 3 18 08 PM

To Play and remove oneself from routine is a needed deposit.      One of my best memories from a few years ago was walking to the playground in the late afternoon.  I’d get on a swing for a few minutes and just relax.  Usually the kids weren’t there at that time of day and I had the playground to myself.   Silly, well maybe, but it felt good and took me away from issues of the day.

To Engage with people is an essential deposit.   Particularly those people who inspire you.  These do not need to be people in your profession or nearby.  They can be as near as the telephone.

They can be friends of friends, relatives, or neighbors who share the same ideas. Sometimes carpooling children, attending the same church, or engaging in a sport brings people together.  Bowling leagues, softball games, and volleyball are for adults too.   We can watch or participate.

Actually the best tips for my business come from individual who worked for large corporation with a business totally diverse from my own counseling practice.  He advised me through an email ways to build my business.

When it comes to business though, a few common denominators are the same for all of us.   Looking at how we bill, how we track our clients, watching the bottom line, and cash flow are universal. So connect with others and learn together.

We need to be well spiritually and engaged with a community of like minded peopleBeing genuine with our beliefs and acting in congruity with our values is best.  Scheduling time to meditate, read scripture, and pray is essential.  Quiet time is good for our minds and our souls.

To invest in a profession or job that provides money.   Certainly money is needed for basic needs like food, transportation, and shelter.  Earning it brings satisfaction and motivates us to be assets to our communities.  Also regulating how much we use and save can bring peace.

Finally, eating and exercising enhance our bodies.  Trying recipes and learning how to cook can be a blessing.  I am always amazed at how good the simplest meals taste.  Try different foods.  Eat in moderation and experiment to see how foods affect you.

Finally, take time to “Delight in Living”!