Fill Yourself with Life Giving Fuel …

It is easy to know if your vehicle needs gas.  All you have to do is look at the gauge and you’ll know when it’s on “Empty” that it is time to stop at the gas station! If you have neglected to read the dashboard or if it is broken, your car may stop. That’s a clear message for you to take action.

But as people we are different.  We need to be fueled in many ways.  We need  confirmation of our self worth.  Initially we  look for validation from our parents, caregivers, and teachers.  When we get the feedback it either drives us forward or makes us stagnant. Highly encouraged children try many things.   They attempt different sports, try various hobbies, and musical instruments.   In the process of trial and error, they find their talents and meet like minded people.

Then as we mature, either peers or bosses direct our ways.  Our jobs may seem unimportant, but the way we conduct ourselves and the people we deal with take note.  I always tell people that what they do doesn’t matter, as much as, how they do it.  Smile and enjoy where you are at in your career.  Jobs are temporary.  As a matter of fact,  everything is temporary!

For those who are religious, they may look to God for direction and confirmation in themselves.  They may feel secure in their gifts and stretch out to reach others. It is in their own state of calm that they are able to pursue many things.

Society may push us one way or another with the boundaries and limits of laws, codes, or rules. Obeying the rules of the road are for everyone’s benefit.  Paying for services rFile Apr 21, 2 37 42 PMendered is the best way to get good services.  Honesty in business gives us direction.

Are you an athletic person who thrives on jogging?   Or are you a business person who can’t wait to get to work to get things done.  Are you fueled by reading books on the latest subjects or from the most current fictional selections?  Newspapers, books, magazines, and online reading offers plenty of thought providing material.

Fueling our bodies with fluids, particularly water, keeps us from dehydrating.  It keeps our skin clear, helps us stay refreshed, and keeps our minds and body’s healthy.  Just look to the people of Flint, Michigan who have had to turn to bottled water for their daily needs.

What season works the best for you?  I know people who can’t wait for the heat of the summer to take in the out of door activities.  Others, like myself enjoy the springtime and fall to get motivated.

Think about what fuels you and provide that for yourself.  It will help you “Delight in Living”!