When I was a small child in school, I walked to the nearby grade school.  Usually I was with other children, but on this particular day I was walking alone and returning early from lunch.   The doors of the school were closed during lunch so if we got there early we could play on the slides or swing sets.

As I was prancing down the street I passed a high hedge of bushes that lined the front and side of a corner home.   Behind the house was an alley that went through all the way back to near where I lived.   It was a long block.  I turned the corner.   From there, I could see the school about a block away.  I had two more streets to navigate.apple blossom

I watched as  a Big Red Truck pulled in the alley ahead of me.   I saw it had two men in it.  The truck stopped at the sidewalk.  The passenger side door opened and a man was reaching out to me with candy in his hand.  I was not about to take the bribe.

My dad had warned me about taking candy from strangers.   At school we had been made aware there had been abductions. Now here and what was I to do?  I wished my big brother was with me or some of my walking to school friends. I turned and ran back to the corner, as I heard the truck roar down the alley.

Were they coming down the alley and around to catch me?   I turned again and ran to the school.   I was in a panic.   I got to what was the Kindergarten door and began pounding.  “Let me in”, I repeated until an adult came to the door.  I remember trying to explain and had an indifferent teacher.  I don’t remember anything more after all these years, but I often walked a different way to school.

When I was about  22, I remember seeing one of the men  from that truck in a candy/cigar store.  I was with my dad, and waited until we got far away from there before telling him.  He was really protective and I didn’t think there was much to be done.  I didn’t want him to over react and nothing THANKFULLY had happened to injure me 16 years before.

I have always grateful that nothing happened to me and  took warnings of any type to heart.  As a child that loved candy, this could have been enough to lure me into that truck.  I think the situation made me more observant in years to come.

Listening to others is good.   It allows one to take on different perspectives.  It provides insights on what opportunities are available. Listening helps us grow in our attitudes and become a bit more worldly.

Be safe and Delight in Living!