It was a rainy and dark evening as I left my daughter’s home for the first time.  I had traveled there in the daylight, but now the rain was a coming down so fast that the wipers on my little red Jeep had to struggle just to keep up with the intense jets of water.  I suddenly realized when I came to an intersection that I was going in the wrong direction; I was not on the road I wanted to be driving on.   With care I found a place to turn around, but I still did not recognize anything and with the extreme weather  IMG_1775conditions I realized I was indeed lost.

I stopped the car in a parking area.  With some reluctance, I called my daughter’s cell phone.  I am a bit of an achiever and asking for help is not my greatest gift.  My son-in-law seemed to know exactly where I was and gave me directions; I had gone off onto a different main street.  He also offered to come to meet me, which I thanked him for volunteering, but decided I would  now figure it out and continued down the paved road.  Affirmation that asking for help is wisdom; not weakness.

It was now pitch dark as I headed out of St. Charles down Route 31.   I prayed for the rain to ease up.  I found myself going slowly as an occasional car would pass me in the opposite direction.  Trees along the roadside had branches bending from the intense rain and wind.  Images of swaying branches were being distorted.  All of a sudden, I had the urge to simply stop!   I did.

I stayed still hoping no one would hit me from behind.  When the rain let up, I saw a huge tree had fallen across part of the road; I would have crashed into it.   Words of thanksgiving to God poured out of my mouth.   I had stopped.   I have no answer other than it was divine intervention.  I have driven in all kinds of weather, but that was a memorable moment indeed. My sight was restored and I was encouraged to move ahead tentatively. 


IMG_1774We all have times in which we are called to DETOUR! Illnesses, accidents, and job changes often derail us.  We need to simply stop to order to help defend ourselves.  Flunking a class can be devastating to our grade point average, but in the long run teaches us we are all vulnerable and that there is more to learn.  We may have to study more.  Perhaps we realize this area is not the one we are to pursue.

Ways to regain sight! 

1- Acceptance is a hard thing, but once we face reality one gains strength and momentum to move ahead.

2- Detours usually teach us new skills and ways to manage.  We get new sight from moments of darkness.

3- Signs are good for us.   They keep us to be safe and provide direction.  They teach us to be not afraid!

4- Living life is good especially when we keep involved and connected with one another.    We can weather many things with the help and advice of one another.

5- Prayers are answered when we least expect them.   They bring great joy and promise into our lives.