Willow-tree1-e1445377904835-225x300While on my daily walk I came across this beautiful Weeping Willow tree.  It is located near a retention pond where it can get plenty of water, sunshine, and light.  Its tiny leaves allow it to sway in the different climates; to be flexible in spite of the winds, snow, and rain. It is located in one of my favorite spots.

As a child, we had one of these in our backyard.  It had been a low area of our yard and it loved living there.   Dad and Mom were always trimming it back because it would grow rapidly. It lived in a darker spot of our yard so I never had the pleasure of sitting beneath  it.  This one lends itself to having company.

We all need to be like this tree.  Happy to be rooted where we are and with the skills we have attained.  Since we need nourishment, we need to parent ourselves. It calls us to protect ourselves, care for our bodies, and to go forward.

Do you have hearty branches?  Are your roots happily planted or do you need to nourish yourself?  Are you able to sway with the circumstances of your life? Sometimes we are like a tree in that we need pruning and redirection.  We need to face into a new direction or learn new things.

Do you have a “rolodex”?  That is, a list of contacts of people around you, to help as things happen or questions arise?  May I suggest you begin collecting that list of people.   As a counselor, coach, and advocate for people, I want to be one of those people on your rolodex.  I am here on this platform to give you support and bring comfort to you.  Please continue to read my posts, so you get that support started!

We don’t have to stay in the same spot, but we can live in the same place and make wholesome changes for ourselves.