Lately I find myself looking at clocks.   I want to buy a few new ones. The idea of digital clocks suddenly is less attractive to me and the large numbered “old fashioned” clocks appeal.  Must be throw back Thursday!  The old school clocks have character and a richness about them that draws me to them. Even the old mantle clocks with their roman numerals are appealing.

This made me think that I must be more of a visual learner than I first thought.  How do you learn?  Are you a doer, auditory, or visual learner?  Are you a person who reads and applies what they have read?   Do you need pictures and drawings to help you assemble projects?   Knowing how we learn is a great advantage to getting things done quickly, efficiently, and well.

Time is a friend of mine.   It allows me to accomplish many things and keeps me on my toes to get things done.   I have calendars to keep me current along with “self-set assignments” for every day of the week.  I keep myself organized to get a variety of things done.   I’ll admit  that it isn’t always easy.  I am in a Profession that must be somewhat flexible to change appointments, so I can accommodate people.  It took me awhile to figure out that my schedule needed to move with time and not fight it.  That means early schedules on some days and late nights as well.

How to you keep organized?  Do you have a staff that helps you?  I’d like to know how IMG_1911-e1445546860927-225x300
other business people do their planning.  What tips do you take from people in your industry?   Are you looking to change what you do?  Is time your friend or enemy?

Time to try new things and enjoy!

Have a great Thursday!