“Do not be upset if things are not as you would have them to be for a long time to come.   Do the little you can very peacefully and calmly so as to allow room for the guidance of God in your lives.  Do not worry about the rest.”           ...


Suggestions on How to Make Decisions Decisions should not be made quickly or under stress. Consult with other people when making important decisions.  That includes those who may have walked though the process ahead of you. Elderly people are awesome with providing...

A Surprise in the Mail

A Surprise in the Mail I picked up the mail at the office one day last week during my lunch break  and then later again from our house.   Together it made a big stack. In sorting it into piles, I noticed the usual sales catalogs, garbage mail, bills, and a few...

What Is A Home Made Of?

What Is A Home Made Of? What makes a “house” home?  We have been in our home for 43 years and many wonderful, as well as, sad moments have passed.  When we build it, we had decided  to make this a house one filled with memories and love.   I do hope it has...

And How Do We Keep Our Balance?

And How Do We Keep Our Balance? Back in the 90’s when I taught High School, there were the annual Musical Productions.  It included  an outstanding cast of dedicated and  talented students. Attending them became a chance to be with my daughter.  We’d look...


Dealing with Disappointment Have you run to the mailbox for something special and find it isn’t there?  Or checked the front door to see if a package has arrived? Have you listened to hear the phone call ring telling you good news about a job?  Have you had to...