by Linda Gullo | Apr 27, 2016 | Self Development
Dealing with Disappointments? Have you run to the mailbox in anticipation for something special? It isn’t there. Have you been checking the front door to see if your package came? No package arrives. Are you looking at that cell phone all day in anticipation...
by Linda Gullo | Apr 25, 2016 | Self Development, Variety
I looked at this puzzle today. This puzzle sits in the kitchen of my office. Periodically, I’ll put in a few pieces when I need to relax. I realized how puzzling our lives are much of the time. There are many things to think about and to do! Our...
by Linda Gullo | Apr 23, 2016 | Self Development
Are You Who You Want to Be? When I was in high school, my father was insistent that I took Business courses. He was adamant that this was necessary for future employment, whether I went on to college or not. In keeping with his wishes, I took Economics, Typing,...
by Linda Gullo | Apr 22, 2016 | Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle, Self Development
Keep Moving Move, eat well, and be involved. I watch young people who are full of energy. The more they do, the more they want to do. At the end of the day they rest well for the night. As we age, our bodies go through changes. In many cases, we are not as active...
by Linda Gullo | Apr 20, 2016 | Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle, Self Development
It’s OK to be Happy . . . Somewhere people learn that one must be entitled to be happy. But that is part of who we are! We are born to be people with great dispositions and the potential to experience joy. We also experience pain and a host of other emotions...
by Linda Gullo | Apr 18, 2016 | Self Development, The Spirit at Work, Variety
Monday could be any day … Monday is a great kickoff day to enjoying the mini miracles that happen! I addressed this in an earlier blog, but from a different angle. I am one of the rare people who absolutely love Mondays! I think it is an opportunity to get...