On Your Way to …

Well I don’t know where you are going today.   Perhaps it is running errands. Are you on your way to a class or seminar?  Who are you going to be with and doing this week?   Where is it all leading? Daily we have things to do.  Often they are repetitive in...

Move Over So I Can See Too

Move over Joseph Rosendo* and Rick Steves’**.   I know you are both the world travelers that encourage so many people to see the world.    Both of you gentlemen are excellent at what you do.  I watch your shows and feel as if I am there.  I also watch Fr....


http://traffic.libsyn.com/gullo/MMEpisode022-Vision.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadHello Friends! Welcome to Mini Miracles from Minor Moments.  This is your host Linda Gullo.    I treasure the small things in life, the encounters with people, and even the...

Who Are You Anyway?

Have you ever said or done something and question yourself?  Like where did that come from?  My reaction was so off mark!  Or you jump into a project and the results are so different than you expected!  I think we have all been there.  Periodically I find myself being...

Revelations & Work

Sometimes I create work for myself.  Do you do that too?  I always have stacks of magazines and books to read.   I then have to organize the pile by priorities.  I begin to read or start a project and find I am interrupted.  At work I try to get more focused and keep...