by Linda Gullo | Feb 1, 2017 | Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle, Self Development
A few months ago, during the Holiday Season, I went to get postage stamps and bought a sheet of these of the Ringling Bros. Circus. I have enjoyed looking at them and had them on the bulletin board above the desk. Now that the Circus is permanently folding its...
by Linda Gullo | Jan 31, 2017 | Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle, The Spirit at Work
Are you comfortable with stepping outside of your comfort zone? The practical side locks us into what is safe and easy. Think about your approach to seeing a new doctor, traveling to a new place, trying a new job, or learning a new profession. Do you approach new...
by Linda Gullo | Jan 27, 2017 | Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle
Storms come with a vengeance and can do so much damage. It stops people in their paths and makes things slow down. In 1967, I was working down in the Chicago Loop in a building on Wacker Drive near Jackson Blvd. I remember coming out of the building to a flurry...
by Linda Gullo | Jan 25, 2017 | Business Insights, Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle, Self Development
“One single step may put you on the escalator of success.” by Linda Gullo Do you want to make changes in your lifestyle? You do know that life is ever changing. We have no say in the matter. At fast as I type this, the clock has changed; seconds...
by Linda Gullo | Jan 24, 2017 | Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle, The Spirit at Work
WHEN IS IT THE RIGHT TIME? When our children were younger we decided to attend Saturday evening Mass to avoid the crowds. We’d sit near the back of the church. Behind us was a doctor from our community who attended weekly with his wife. I’m not sure we...
by Linda Gullo | Jan 19, 2017 | Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle, The Spirit at Work
Life is strange and the people who make an impact on us may have lived generations ago. I am not talking about the Babylonians, the Phoenicians, or the Indigenous Australian folks, but instead about the people around you. Are they stars from Hollywood, icons in your...