New Year Wishes

Hello Friends!   Well this year has been an exciting one for me.   In the process of learning to Podcast, I have fallen into the world of Technology.   There is so much to learn and I have suddenly found myself craving to learn more.   I just spent a few hours...

Proficiency Plus in Workers

This morning as I went to make the bed, I realized how I was able to do it in the dark.  When I turned on the lights, I was amazed at how perfectly it was done.   After doing the same thing over and over again for years, one literally can become very efficient!   From...

Hang On …

Well we have all had the feeling of “needing to hang on.”  Maybe not in the way this baby is holding on, but in many other ways.  That includes waiting for phone calls to be returned or people getting back to us.   It may be waiting for a delivery! Or for...