
Beating Decision Fatigue

Everyone of us has a unique way of working. Some of us are better at being efficient at different times of the day.  When it comes to being creative, I usually find it good to have silence and be alone.  It is usually past the hour of 10 at night when the house is quiet and the dog is resting nearby.  My mind seems to be free to wander and dream into the “land of possibility.”   Because I am not under pressure to excel; I just come up with ideas.   I also have known for years that this was NOT the ideal time to deal with major issues.  I used to tell my family not to discuss major issues past 9 pm. I was just too mentally fatigued.

I learned when my oldest child was born, that I should never exercise later in the evening.  I took a water aerobics class late in the day when he was a toddler.    It totally backfired.   Even though I had a second wind that went into effect about that time, exercise seemed to make me alert until the wee hours of the morning and then the next morning I was fatigued.

So I want to address here decision fatigue.   I read an article in the SUCCESS Magazine (November 2016) issue on it.   Visionaries like Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, and Matilda Kalh were mentioned.   The article commented on how they all had the same wardrobes so that they would not waste precious time making the decision of what to wear.  They had a flawless appearance without worrying about what they looked like. 

I can see the value here.   It is the whole idea that many parochial schools turn to so they cut out competition among students or their parents trying to out do one another. It saves financially in the long run too. Many companies market themselves nicely having a uniformity dress solution that identifies their brand.  But this idea of having a pattern in place saves energy for making decisions.  The mind can focus on more important issues with clarity.

Do you have practices that are habitual and intentional to keep yourself from wasting energy thinking about things?  Perhaps it is the way you take notes, or follow up on things.   Is it using the app Evernote, a means of clipping and storing information you’ll need in the future?

The article called ON AUTOPILOT by Jeff Vrabel suggests making important decisions early in the day.  Knowing how you function is a relevant factor here.  A fellow businessman I know is an early bird.  He along with people like my spouse always got up at 5:30.     Knowing your internal clock can make you very efficient.  By the way, if you are having sleeping issues, one of the best ways to conquer problems is to go to bed and rise up at the same time each day.  It is often difficult if your job has varied hours.

Vrabel suggests that if you are not able to make a decision, put it off.  Postponing a decision may provide extra clarity.   It is  better not to rush.  Rest may be the ingredient you need to make a good choice.

The bottom line for beating decision fatigue may be a combination of things.  Whatever works well use it and throw out what doesn’t.   Have a great day and the energy you need to pursue your passion.   “Delight in Living”  

Happy Presidents’ Day!


Our Guest Today is Mike Splitt

Welcome to Mini Miracles from Minor Moments where you’ll find small insightful incentives to blossom.

Hi, I am Linda Gullo, your Host!   Today I am pleased to welcome Mike Splitt to our Delight in Living Office to share a few thoughts with you.

Mike is a charismatic fellow who shares about his recent move to a new location within Crystal Lake and tells us a little about what brought him to the area originally.   He has won many Awards in his field and from our Chamber of Commerce.   Mikes attitude has carried him far and he continues to set an example for all of us!

He is a definitely involved in our Community of Crystal Lake, Illinois and brings an entrepreneurial spirit to us. Hope you’ll catch the fever of becoming more involved in your community after “meeting” Mike.


Mike shared the book, What Color is Your Parachute by Richard Nelson Bolles


Where is your FOCUS?

Do you have the life you really want?  Are you working really hard in a profession you hate?   When are you happy?  Do you have to be with other people to be happy?   Are you looking all over for answers?  Is making money the only thing that drives you forward? Where is your focus?

Knowing the answers to these questions is great.   You have a starting point.   You know what is important to you now.   If you are driven to make money, why and what is being sacrificed in the meantime?   I once knew a man who was all about his business of selling other people on a product and making money for his future.   Unfortunately, he became ill with cancer and died a few years ago.  He was extremely driven and everyone loved him.   I think though of a conversation I had with him some 15 years ago and he could not focus on anything else.   In the last years of his life, his health issues drove him into doing more with his family and being spiritual.   That was the person that I really saw in front of me many years ago.

Comic Characters influence our lives!

Who knows what is ahead of any of us?  We are all driven to feed ourselves, to provide good housing, and be steadfast.   I am no different and I want that for others.   I think of my father-in-law who I loved dearly.   He worked really hard and after several heart attacks, and heart surgery, he retired from business.   He then enjoyed almost 15 years of life in better health and was more relaxed.   I have always looked at those years as a blessing for him. 

My own father also had a hard life that took a toll on his health.  I look back and felt so secure on what he provided for our family.  He did well in providing for us.  We don’t know how great we have it as a kids.   We didn’t have to work.  We got most of the things we wanted and there were boundaries set up all around us to protect us.   We had built in schedules and expectations.   We’d gather together on Sunday afternoons for dinner and to rest.   We’d receive the Sunday Chicago Tribune and read the comics.   Dick Tracy and Peanuts were among them.   Life was simple. 

I really enjoy life without all the pressure of a job.   Yes, I have a business and I enjoy trying to help people.   I don’t think of it as a job; it is something I am equipped to do.  I guess people would say I have a passion for it.   I want that for the people I coach too.  I do like to keep a schedule and be on target with goals. That is a big help!

I want you to be successful and keep your own identity.  I want you to  blossom.  That is why I coach business people and counsel on a regular basis.   Think about why you do what you do and what you’d like to do differently.

Hoping today is a great day for you!  DELIGHT IN LIVING and see the many miracles that are being offered to you.  Call if you need help and we can arrange a plan to fit your needs.


Do You Want to Change?

“One single step may put you on the escalator of success.”  by Linda Gullo

Do you want to make changes in your lifestyle?  You do know that life is ever changing.   We have no say in the matter.   At fast as I type this, the clock has changed; seconds spinning into minutes.   My ideas are solidifying into words and the weather outside has gone from fog to foggier.

People are being born as others pass away.  As soon as a child is born, its senses and ability to accommodate to the temperature, light, and sounds shifts.  The skin begins to acclimate, eyes adjust to light, and changes from the womb to the world are made.  It brings joy and new experiences to everyone around.  The mother is changed too.   She has to adjust her thinking to care for the child, care for herself, and begin the lifelong journey of changes.  She has a new role in addition to what she already claims.

Anyone who is a parent can tell you that changes are obvious and transforming.   In scripture, we hear of how Jesus in his first miracle changed water into wine at the request of his mother during a wedding.  He showed us in that situation not only His abilities, but many other things as well.  He showed us how to respect our parents, how to provide for others, and how changes would happen.  Often they would be to our advantage and other times out of our control.   We would have to learn to trust.

When we make a choice to start a business, purchase something expensive,  take a job offered to us, or move across the country, we may be the one initiating the transition.   Those changes are usually welcomed and exciting, because we are in charge.   It gives us a sense of power to make choices.  Like all choices though, we are the ones that who pay the consequences.  They may provide good opportunities or bleak results.  We need to face them, or  even make changes to alter the business model we are using to be fruitful.

Trying to keep clear in our thinking is important.  We need to make changes that are valuable.  Valuable for ourselves, for our families, and for our world.  Also important for the success of businesses!  It may call us to sacrifice time, money, and services in order to look out for the greater good.

Let’s all recognize how valuable change can be for ourselves and one another.   Embrace your faith and stay connected with your values as you recognize the mini miracles emerging in your day.  Know yourself well.  Embrace the changes that occur we the attitude of gratefulness.   Good things come out of even the worst situations. “One does not want to erase adversity.  Properly channeled mistakes and times of heartache can become opportunities to learn, to help others, and to become influential.”   (TAKEN FROM:  Erasing Adversity by Linda Hnetynka Gullo)


New Year Wishes

Hello Friends!   Well this year has been an exciting one for me.   In the process of learning to Podcast, I have fallen into the world of Technology.   There is so much to learn and I have suddenly found myself craving to learn more.   I just spent a few hours learning a few new apps and a new program for holding music in my I-Pad.    I think how much easier it would be for someone to just show me in file-dec-18-4-14-10-pmperson, but slowly through the power of U-Tube and Webinars, it comes my way.

So what is your wish for the New Year?  Somethings we can make happen; other things I believe are by the grace of God.  My wish would be to spend a day in the midst of a Cliff Ravenscraft or like-minded guru.  I may just have to add that to my list of goals for 2017.   Meantime, I try to take in as much as possible via recordings.

I have a stack of book here and another at my office to read.  I read a chapter here and there to take myself to a new level.   I am also creating a Master Mind Group in 2017.  Hope to have that up and running really soon.   If you feel you’d like to be part of a structured, but highly motivating group that is meant to help one another, contact me.   It is a commitment to excellence and attending.

Tell me what are you interested in learning?  Do you enjoy reading?   Are you into traveling?   I’d really like to know so I can give you Free PDF’s and information to help as the year unfolds.

Enjoy your week as Christmas is just about here.   “Delight in Living” is more than words, it is a total mindset in grasping the best in life.

Watch for those Mini Miracles.   Our Podcasts resume after the New Year begins!  Stay tuned for great guests.


Living in a World of Distractions!

Oh boy, we seem to be living in a World of Distractions.   Everyone knows it and those who are achievers are constantly trying to keep focused.  So today I have decided on helping you filter some of them out. None of us are exempt from the phone calls, interruptions, and getting caught up.

file-oct-14-10-37-19-pmFirst of all, I must say that some people are better at staying focused than others.   It takes effort, practice, and a few tools.  Perhaps we are creating a whole new generation of attention deficit individuals.   Too much to do and so hard to direct our attention to just one thing.   Here are a few clues that might help.

  • Do only one thing at a time.  Prioritize and schedule!  If you are working on washing the dishes, do just that one chore.  Finish and move on.
  • If you are driving, by all means put that cell phone away.   I say this because we all get distracted.  Put it on the dash, with the phone upside down.  Or if you carry a purse or briefcase, put it inside.  If you do need to use it, stop in a parking lot or safe place, take care of the issue or call and put it away.
  • Disconnect your E-mail for the moment.   For me, I make a time to get to it all, clean up the loose ends, and dump the garbage.  Once a week, I go through and dump all the Clutter.   One of my email address are with Outlook and it filters wonderfully.
  • Communicate your needs and time line to others.  A service man for my door, called with his situation.   It gives me peace to know the schedule and his intentions.  Be good to those you work with or for and communicate!
  • I just turned off the radio which was distracting me.   It is easy to begin listening to the announcer or music and now focusing on the tasks at hand.
  • I even turned off the computer sounds, because it signals incoming emails.
  • Write down and carry your lists with you to keep focused on running errands.   I tend to figure out in my head the pathway to being efficient and list my chores in that order; it helps because distractions pop up even driving.   It is easy to be impulsive and then forget one of the places you meant to stop
  • Complete the project at hand.

Lastly, discard the unnecessary, delegate if possible, and deliver what you can on a timely basis.  The day is yours, make it a pleasant one and “Delight in Living!”


Bob Blazier, A Man of Vision

Welcome to this post Thanksgiving show.

It is my wish that you were able to find a few Mini Miracles throughout this past week.   For me there were many small, but precious moments with the grandchildren, family, and friends. Much to my own surprise, I was able to catch a funny video of an unexpected moment. It was a highlight that has already spread throughout the family.

Well today I have the pleasure to introduce a delightful man.   His list of accomplishments include being an educator, administrator, and Accomplished Board member on many Foundations.  He has worked with Centegra Hospital and our local Crystal Lake Chamber of Commerce.  He continues to be recognized along with his wife Rosemary for their  contributions to our world.  We have seen both of them actively participating when they were well, and the times when in spite of a health issue– kept moving forward.

But Bob Blazier is much more than all his accomplishments.  He is an admired man for this giving nature and genuine sense of humor.  He has and continues to mentor anyone who comes in his path. He is an encouraging spirit about him.

Bob is a man of faith and can be seen attending church and praying.  He is known for his daily fitness routine.  Bob Blazier has an annual run for the Arts to help our Raue Theater.  He also appears at other 5 K’s such as the Kiwanis Santa Run (featured picture) to help children.  Bob is so very appreciated for all his contributions to our Community.

AND HERE’S BOB  who was a Gem to join us.  Thank You BOB!

Proficiency Plus in Workers

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      Don’t file away              experience, it is  Portable Equity!

This morning as I went to make the bed, I realized how I was able to do it in the dark.  When I turned on the lights, I was amazed at how perfectly it was done.   After doing the same thing over and over again for years, one literally can become very efficient!   From the time of our youth we are told to practice.  This is also true for sports, music, note taking, and just about any other task.

We are also able to create Portable Equity.   Portable Equity is a term used in reference to skills we obtain in a job.  If one is a secretary, they may have learned to take shorthand, type well, and be customer friendly.   They are usually good readers and  excellent in grammar.  They are detail oriented people with the knack of learning quickly on the spot.   Often they are good with telephone numbers, codes, and other important facts.

If that same person decides to become a teacher and learns a specific subject, he or she  still possesses the experience of a secretary. They carry along the skills of shorthand, typing, a friendly disposition, reading well, learning quickly, excellent recall and documenting information.   Those are some of the tools in the toolbox that is known as Portable Equity.

It is good therefore to learn many different skills and experience jobs as a teenager.   Although the money may not be excellent working at a fast food restaurant, many skills that are needed in other areas can be transferred.   One learns how to present themselves in various settings.   How to speak, talk, and listen well when presented with information.  Internships and volunteering in offices goes far.

Learning life skills and experience along the way to adulthood are a form of education.   It may not be the formal courses within a specific field of interest that makes a person a good worker for a corporation, but the attitude and insights they have learned in the informal process.  A person who can prioritize and pace themselves are valuable.  Their work is done timely and well.

People who have done volunteering are often good people to hire.  They know the value of time and contributing to an organization.   Most often, they will bring along a good profile and reputation to a business.   Just ask people who are successful and they have been good team players.   They know how to follow, and therefore have a capacity and/or potential to lead well.

So if you plan to hire someone soon, note these things in the interviewing process.  “Delight in Living” today and everyday.


Hang On …

Well we have all had the feeling of “needing to hang on.”  Maybe not in the way this baby is holding on, but in many other ways.  That includes waiting for phone calls to be returned or people getting back to us.   It may be waiting for a delivery! Or for people to pay their bills.

A Few Random, but Worthwhile Thoughts!

As a classic achiever, I want things done ASAP.  Therefore, I navigate to people who are also achievers.  They want quality,  a good track record, and  to accomplish things in a timely manner.   Usually they are perfectionists who are constantly learning. They keep building, developing, and taking things to the next level.

Designs, goals, and  appointments don’t always play out as we would like them to play out.  We can set things up and move ahead to have our plans blocked by the inaction of someone else.   We may find that term “soon” to one person means within a month to another.

As a result of these miscommunications, people get upset and feel a disconnect. Words are only one way of exchanging information.  We have the written word and pictures to express ourselves.   There are terms in each industry that may not be carried over into the other persons business.

Another form of communication is the email.   When someone does not respond to me my email, I wait and try once more.  Recently I sent out a couple of emails to the same person.  They did not respond to me; I assumed they did not have the skills I needed.  As a result,  I took my business  to another person.  I was glad I acted to remedy this for the answer was simple and problem resolved within a few hours.   It was worth paying them!

I have found that if I don’t have the answer for  a client or the skills to help a patient, I know it.  I will be the first to acknowledge that something may be out of my range.  I gladly refer to them someone who does have the skill set needed.

A really reliable business person I know went out of her way for a client.    She found that she had undercharged for all her work, but delivered timely and well.    Lessons like that happen to all of us–or at least they have happened to me.  In trying to be generous, we are often “used”.   Expertise must be compensated appropriately. file-nov-14-11-39-03-pm

By the time we are adults or in the business world, we come to prepare ourselves. We build in backup plans.  We may not have everything figured out, but we try.

We try to equip ourselves with the ongoing learning tools for our industry.  This may include CEU’s for Professional Licenses.  We make lists and use programs like Evernote to help us remember facts.

Hopefully, we master the calendar!  Or we have managers and people around us who do what we don’t do well.  We  connect with many different people and they often help hold us up by teaching or showing us skills.   We connect through Networking Groups and Social media to stay on top of the curve.

As the economy fluctuates, we try to adjust internally with our expenses and marketing strategies.  So keep hanging on to the skills, people, and knowledge base you have.   It is all worthwhile and supportive.

Hope your day is filled with success!   See you tomorrow,  Delight in Living!


Welcome to Our Guest Tom Sellars

Good morning friends!  Well this is the week of Thanksgiving!  I wish you the best time ever to celebrate with you family and friends. I decided to record this episode of Mini Miracles from Minor Moments earlier  in the week and post it before Friday, since so much is going on for everyone.   There will be traveling for some of you and Black Friday events for others.    It is a good reminder that everyday offers us plenty of opportunities to be thankful!

Our guest is Tom Sellars of McHenry, Illinois.   I hope you enjoy the interview with this McHenry, IL. Businessman.  He has Today’s Business & Credit Funding Solutions designed to help entrepreneurs establish credit profiles for their businesses.  A great man to get to know.  file-aug-01-7-57-46-pm

Hoping this allows you to discover Mini Miracles in your life today.  As always, “Delight in Living”
