Wow, if I had a dollar for every time someone told me to please take a seat, I’d be rich.  Just think of all the appointments you have been to.  The times you have applied for jobs, gone to doctors, filled out applications, registered for classes at school or gone to any office.    We all have to wait and having a place to sit is really nice.file-oct-29-9-18-19-pm

Well today we went to vote and there was a folding chair for one of the voting booths.   It was a blessing for my husband who has issues walking and standing.   It was an effort to walk into the building so the chair was much appreciated.

Years ago when my mother was ill, I asked if Jewel could put a chair near their butcher shop area and they did put a couple there.   I noticed every time I took her shopping that someone needed to sit there.   Usually it was being used by an elderly person with a cane or someone who was just weak.  I haven’t seen that in recent years.

Back in the ’80’s we visited my in-laws in Peoria, Arizona.   We did lots of walking there with our children and noticed benches were placed every few blocks.   It was helpful to all of us.

Near my office is a large metal box with telephone wires in it.  I have noticed people sitting on it in the warmer weather.   We all have leaned on large rocks or created seats out of bookbags.  We are pretty creative when something is necessary.  When I walk to my office I sometimes sit on the benches at the train station.   It may be for a minute or two to relax, but it is really appreciated since walking there is all uphill!

I decided to write this in honor of all the courtesies people extend.  Thank you for the kindnesses you have shown to the elderly, sick, or disabled.   For the times you open doors for others it is a big help.

I noticed the set of electronic doors at Macy’s was not working. When I looked over and saw a couple trying to get a stroller through, I reached out and grabbed a door.  They thanked me for the help.  Sometimes an extra set of hands can really create a safety valve.

Later a small child was trying to open that same door and it was really difficult for her because the heavy door was designed to be electronic.  I was able to help, but sometimes I am the one needing help.  We are all called to make life easier for one another!   Let’s do it!

Enjoy this wonderful weather and golden leaves.   “Delight in Living” and note the “Mini Miracles” (like chairs where you need them).