With the use of cell phones, selfies, and cameras so available, never was there a time when people had so many pictures of themselves.  I must say there are few pictures of me or my family taken over the years.  So many people I know also have that lack of photographs.

We have all lived through many times that we would have liked to record.  I attended so many dances and college events, but have no record of these times.  How I would have liked pictures of my sorority and fraternity moments.  If there were photos taken, I have no idea of where they are now.  Likewise, there are plenty of times when I am glad the camera was not around.  Times when there was sadness and despair.

Here I have a photo of 4 different individuals.   They are getting ready for plays, dances, and sports.   Their physical identities change by the day and with each event, but their internal vision of who they are becoming is another thing. The reflection they get back from the people they admire the most is often what guides them.   image

We all want to see different sides of who we can become.   As the Cubs enter the World Series for the first time in 71 years, we too enter into another generation with every baby born.   We see our youth transform from the time of birth until they are fully grown.   If we are lucky enough, we go through their aches, pains, and growth spurts with them.

We are commissioned to help one another in the 2nd commandment.  Love one another!  Be kind and encouraging. It is hard to accepts ourselves, but I am always trying to help people like themselves.

In my generation, compliments were not tossed around much.   We just knew certain things had to be done and we did them.  There were few times when we were congratulated.   Graduations were even low key.  We were highly embarrassed not to succeed.  We learned to pay our way through things we wanted to embark upon.   I don’t think that was a bad thing.   Earning one’s way is a good thing; it develops character and fortitude.

So start embracing who you are today.   Seek to work on a better you every day.   Chose friends wisely.  Dump those times from your memory that aren’t so healthy. Keep building on the pillars of strength within.   Make new friends and build relationships with people of character and a sense of humor.

Let those Mini Miracles start appearing more and more. 
