There are traditional paths to learning.  Some people live in the same house all their lives.   They go to the local public schools and know their neighbors well.   They may follow the traditional path of going straight to college and taking a 4 year program into a career.  Life just goes forward.  OR?

Life throws us “curve balls”.  We lose our job or our income radically changes. We need to move to another location to help ill parents.  Our family suddenly needs to relocate.  We need to reinvent ourselves with new skills and a better attitude and move forward.

Or, someone in our family dies. We lose our way in the midst of grief.  Confusion may set us spinning.   We love and memorialize the person and decide to make our lives more meaningful as a tribute.  We can move along successfully and along side supportive people. Know that things can be better and new horizons will open up.

Perhaps, an illness consumes our thoughts and direction.  We try our hardest to find help and direction.  Where do we go?  Who do we turn to for help?   We search for group support, new hobbies, and a healthy outlook.

However, there are many paths to follow.  One may switch during their school years from public to parochial schools.  They may have moved and find  themselves in a different school district or private school.  Upon finishing high school, they may pick a trade school, or go right into a family business.  Or they may start and stop in a variety of careers or college programs.

We may find a profession or discover a new area of interest even in our late 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s.   People are always able to restart at any age.  Never think it is too late.   Wisdom is always giving us new insights.

The options are endless in this day and age.  Many young families have chosen to “home school” their students.  There is beauty in the flexibility of home schooling. Armed service families may have traveled to far away places and the youth learn many cultures and different langufile-oct-07-6-35-14-pmages.  Those older and removed from families also find new direction.

Experiences vary by profession and the standard credentials of each state.   I’d like to think that this diversity allows many people to contribute to a well rounded society.  I like that we can have many paths to productive and happy lifestyles.  We need to just keep advancing and smiling along the way.

So I welcome your thoughts.  Please connect with me at [email protected] and share your perspective.   “Delight in Living!”

I’d love for you to be part of the Mind Mapping – Healthy Thinking  group. It is for people trying to get ahead, to figure out what they want, and to unite with others who have the entrepreneurial spirit.  It calls for a commitment to be better.  Our group was going to meet in the evenings, but a new group is setting up for Monday’s at 10 am.  beginning October 31st.   Just let me know if you’d like to join us.  Email me at [email protected]   There is a $25 starter fee and a commitment to keep coming.  

