Have you ever said or done something and question yourself? Like where did that come from? My reaction was so off mark! Or you jump into a project and the results are so different than you expected! I think we have all been there. Periodically I find myself being very abrupt with telephone sales people who don’t understand “no” after I have very kindly listened. That is not typically me!
At other times, I have disclosed information, where I should have been silent. Along this pathway of life, we take on different traits. Sometimes we harden our hearts to the truths or refuse to try changing. Of course, that isn’t the healthiest way to grow or get ahead.
We need to focus on what we want and the way we are going to pursue our dreams. It is easy to go to school and have school lead the way, but eventually we have to confront major life challenges. How do I pay my bills? Where will I live? What am I going to do to fill my life? Where is my purpose?
The idea of communicating our needs well to one another needs to be addressed. Sometimes the people we complain to or get exasperated with are unable to understand or even take care of the problem. I am beginning a group this October in the office called Mini Miracles Cafe. It is all about dialogue and using the World Cafe Menu to start conversations and find resolutions.
Maybe this comes from a need for myself, as well as, the people around the community. I hear people expressing concerns without seemingly a way to fix them. But there is a way. There are people and ideas that are out of the box that can resolve things so peacefully. So for a “free pass” to the group or for other information, just email at [email protected]
More will be coming on this in the next month. As people working hard and living well, we can find resolution. We can help point one another into a direction of self care. In the meantime, look for the mini miracles and opportunities all around you. “Delight in Living!”