Do you find great pride in your work when you pay attention to details?  I consider the work I do as being important to others.   It means that I have to be prepared to tune in to each person and tune out from what I am otherwise doing.   I like to think about what handouts they might need, and put them into their file ahead of time.  What do I need to read or prepare to discuss with them?

My husband is very methodical.  When he does something, he does it well.  He will take the whole bed apart each morning to make sure it is put together just right.  I always say I don’t have time for doing that, but I must say the extra time with details leaves the bed and the whole room looking nice.

I like to have the shades in the house all at the same height, so I automatically do that.   The reality is that we can do things well and with precision if we hold to a routine filled with good small habits.  Some people say that if it takes less than a minute to do, do it!  Put the nail file away.  Wipe down the kitchen counter and throw the dish in the dishwasher.  Wipe the handles of the refrigerator.   Rinse out the dogs bowl.  Wipe down the bathroom bowl sink with paper toweling.  Just do it and there isn’t a major cleaning needed later.   I totally subscribe to this approach at home and also at the office.

Time is not a monster rushing after us, but for some reason I think the clock has become our enemy.  Today I consciously did not put my watch on.   I will get things done in spite of it.   So why the concern?  Well I rush to eat.  I grab quick foods.   Instead, I am practicing to schedule in time to eat, and to do the relevant things.   Everything else can be eaten by the “monster rushing behind”.   He’ll eventually find someone else to charge after!

I refer you to the following site* to help remind all of us the importance and relevance of learning good habits.  Good habits flow from childhood into adulthood.  As adults we still need to improve ourselves in many ways. Practice makes perfect is a well known idiom and as an adult we all need to use it too. Watching an old-timer cook or garden is such a joy, because they have repeatedly made that dish or grown those flowers season after season.  It shouldn’t surprise us when we see a master in any area of life be successful, because they have been practicing and refining their skills.

File Sep 02, 5 47 04 PM

Perfection in the Patterns We Create!

I heard Gretchen Rubin discussing with **Michael Hyatt earlier this week about how she avoids sugar.   She does it so naturally that there is a split minute decision to avoiding it.    When we are confirmed and practice something regularly, it is not a big deal.  Our smallest choices make the bigger ones easier.   She also suggested that we reinforce things naturally.   If I buy myself fresh foods and fancy containers for them, I am reinforcing the decision to eat in a more healthfully conscious way.   Soon I am not running to the cookie cabinet, but to the fresh fruit drawer.

I have always said that one doesn’t need to stay in bed in the morning and keep hitting the shut off button on the clock.  Just get up and get going.  Have your plans laid out the night before along with your clothes.  In the winter time, I load my car with my needs for the day the night before.   I will even put my fruit in the car knowing it will stay chilled. I think that is one of the reasons why I eat better and feel better in the cooler weather.

Enjoy your week and the Mini Miracles that will pop up for you!