Yes, Mother Teresa did set the bar high for us, but please read to the end of this blog.  You aren’t off the hook yet!

I have had a few mini miracles pop up today.   You couldn’t see them, but I know they made my day not only worthwhile, but happier.  **A friend who was in town a few weeks ago had stopped into my office for a visit.  We had a nice conversation over a glass of ice water and just caught up.  I realized how many things we were experiencing in life were similar in regards to health, business, and family. What a nice break in my day!

Today she called me from Mississippi where she was on a business trip with her husband.  She will be accompanying him on many in the next few weeks.  I think it might be an opportunity for us to share some time via the phone together.  I plan to call her and hopefully surprise her.  Linda is a Health and Wellness Coach from Florida.   Check out her site as I listed in below.   I think she has such a refreshing view of eating.  IMG_3785

She mentioned having just read my book and shared some feedback. I was thrilled that she took time to read it.  I hope others do too.  While I hope none of you experience what the book is about, I do know that life throws things at us that we’d rather avoid.  Perhaps reading about this story will present some insight for you.

A few minutes later my son came in for a visit to drop something off.  Although it was his day off of work, he was running errands and heading off to get the children after school.   Our short conversation made my day more complete. It always does a mom good to see her adult kids, even if it’s just for a few minutes.

Next I ran into Subway for a late sandwich.  One of the young people working there has been sharing some of her personal concerns.  What a joy to see her  and listen to her.  I hope that maybe I can fill a need for her in some way.  I think one of the mini miracles is how God connects us to one another.

You know this week Mother Teresa is being honored as a “Saint”.   She certainly did wonderful things to help the poor.  *I heard on the radio earlier this week  that we should all live our “Calcutta”.   What a marvelous thought!!!  We aren’t Mother Teresa and we aren’t given the same tasks to perform.  We can however, do our best, wherever we are located.  Your Calcutta could be in the backyard watching small children and protecting them from bees.   Your Calcutta could be at a business meeting and going out of your way for an injured worker.  Your Calcutta could be driving behind a slow driver and being patient.  In other words, our location can give us an opportunity to be giving and servicing one another.  

Let us all “delight in living” by being the Best Version of Ourselves!

* Channel 129

** (Linda Fields)

