Oh yes.  File Jul 16, 1 18 37 PMAll three tools are helpful.  They serve a purpose.   They are tools for cleaning and something we all should learn to use.   I couldn’t help but think on this bright morning of the many unnecessary things we own.

I walk through our house and see a collection for the Vietnam Veterans of America that I have been putting aside.  I give to many of the agencies around; it helps them and it helps me to be thankful for all the things I do have.

I was listening Pat Flynn on a Podcast. He was interviewing Dana, who has a Website that supports wives, mothers, and entrepreneurs. She had a marvelous and up-to-date way of looking at life.  You can check Dana  out at the Boss Mom Podcast or Pat at The Smart Passive Income Podcast.

This was my take away from the Podcast.  As women, we do not have to be split into categories that compete against one another.  We are not moms who have family vs. work vs. whatever other titles we carry.  We do not have to have separate buckets for each role we play.  Instead, we have one bucket that keeps us busy.  It is filled with our roles as  mothers, workers, and/or any other roles we take on.    We can be effective and shift from one role to another as so many women do.  We have been told that we can’t do it all.  In fact, we have been doing it “all” for years.

I can speak for myself.   I am a wife, a mom, an entrepreneur, and take care of all things.   I was in the Jeep dealer today with a flat tire and had to shift my schedule to take care of things. Which reminds me that I have to play secretary and schedule an appointment for my spouse with the foot doctor.  Life continues on with some roles taking more time than other roles.  I run a busy office filled with online and in house clients.

Women are multi-taskers by nature.  I recognized this years ago when I would be doing a load of laundry, cleaning the kitchen, chasing toddlers around, and helping my parents with their needs.   It all got done well and timely.  I think I lived the one bucket method for years and today it was labeled for me.

I loved that “bucket concept” so I took a picture to expand on it.   We learn how to navigate doing many things.   We can be good with many different roles and succeed well in them.  How true!     Sometimes our buckets include a church festival, a spouses needs, or attending band concerts.   Things shift and periodically our bucket is empty; at least for a few minuets.

To the men in my audience, I am sure you are doing a terrific job too.  Husbands and Dads are also learning to multi task well in this generation.   They drive kids to appointments, shift their schedules to be at their children’s events and work.   We all need to shift priorities as we move forward.

To go one step further, sometimes the mop, bucket, and brooms are stored away They aren’t always full or needed.   We can deal with one thing at a time.   We can learn to rely on one another, technology, communities, and teams to help us.  We don’t have to keep our buckets filled or overflowing all the time. We all need to take  time for ourselves when possible.  You deserve it!  Time to just sit and read a book or enjoy some music or take a short walk.   Be good to yourself!  I think it will flow onto those around you to do the same.

Mini Miracles are with you today and everyday!





