We all tend to like new things. Whether it is a new pair of shoes or a new purse new things can bring us great joy and maybe even a feeling of accomplishment. Isn’t it good to feel you have earned something?
Well as I have gotten older I am even more excited about new things. They don’t have to be big things, it’s the little things that count. I just ordered a new keyboard cover for at work. I like them because hair, crumbs or whatever may be around does not damage the keys. Plus things stay
nicer looking. This is my older cover and getting worn out and baggy! So my big thrill this week is waiting for the new ones (yes, I ordered a couple to save on postage).
What is new at your house? Did you just return from the store with milk and bread? Isn’t it nice to be able to get the basics?
Have you been entertained by the television? Are you a radio fan? Do you enjoy podcasts? (We have them here each week).
Maybe it is a time of quiet when the kids are out of the house for camp or a mission trip? Maybe it is a chance to sit outside and absorb a little sunshine with a glass of iced
tea? Do you enjoy a good book? Take time to relish in the land of words and imagination.
But new doesn’t begin or end with material things. The most important things we can do for ourselves and for others is to stay current. It means learning new things, propelling yourself and others into a forward momentum that keeps us alert and able to give to one another. Exercising, working, and involvement in our communities brings out the best in us and in others. Let’s do it. Learn a language. Study a new field. Try something new. Get involved in a hobby with friends or family.
Liking yourself means being good to yourself. It has taken me a long time to realize that when I am happy and feeling accomplished, it flows onto others. Someone recently labeled me as a Catalyst. I was so pleased to think I could have that effect on someone. That is what I have always wanted to do; that is be a motivation for people.
So if I can be of service to you and provide coaching or counseling care, contact me at [email protected]
Today’s goal is to make All Things Fresh & Wonderful! Find the Mini Miracles that were sprinkled around you today and have a wonderful one.