Well I think I will forever be a student.   Yesterday I spent an afternoon with my soon to be 18 year old granddaughter.  She has graduated from High School and has a job at a local fast food place in here community.   They aren’t the nicest at this establishment, but like so many people she stays there for right now to make a few dollars toward her gas and “needs”.   I applaud her efforts for this is her second job and she has been faithfully working.

I am not sure how well I understand youth, but I try.  I have several students coming to my office and each one is so unique and special.   Each of them presents different issues and concerns.  They are all exceptionally smart in some manner. We have a generation of wonderful young people coming up to take a place in society.   They are trying to figure out how they fit in the bigger picture.   Aren’t we all trying to do that?

Our granddaughter and her brother are about to go on their 3rd  mission trip.   She tells me the one to Detroit was very uplifting and dynamic.  It had a large group of students from around the USA gathering together.     I think it is a great thing for our teenagers to be involved in the lives of other people who are materially and educationally less well off.   It helps us to keep things in perspective. Suddenly we are making a difference. Isn’t that what life is about? Everyone needs to feel useful and appreciated.

The students worked at different fundraisers throughout the year to be able to pay their way to Tennessee,  Detroit,  and this year to West Virginia.    Once they get to their destination, they rehab homes, help clean up neighborhoods, help in day take care camps to take care of younger children, and learn what it is to give back to the less fortunate.  They do the projects that many adults won’t even venture out to do.

Well yesterday thanks to the extra helping hands, our house got vacuumed and the pantry cleaned out.   I had been thinking about staining the picnic table and so we began to tackle those sort of projects.  More to be done outside, but it was just too hot to be out there!

Rosy got a bath too; she’s soft and smells so good today. I think she is a happy dog.  She also lifted her head up last night for me to take this photo.  It was the first opportunity after her surgery a few weeks ago to get a bath.   She still is healing on her side as you can see.   She hadFile Jul 07, 9 58 48 AM 3 growths removed.   The one of her side was a precancerous one the size of a pencil head.  Glad that is out.

As we get older everyone is more conscious of sun damage.   It is wise to wear hats, sun screen, and be aware of these oddities for our animals too.  This has been a hot summer and being outside and on the beaches can be rough on our skin.

Back to our youth. Not all the  things we see as important as adults are appreciated by youth.   I am not sure that is all bad.  Then it hit me last night that my mentoring job has just begun with grandkids up and down the age scale, there is much to share and learn.  How about for you?   Who do you need to set an example for today?   What is important to you?   It can be for your own children or others.   We often influence those outside our homes more than in our homes.

May Mini Miracles flood your life today along with new insights and joy!

Always appreciate your ideas for topics.  Send them to [email protected]
