Do you remember how you began other successful projects?   It is a clue on getting things done.  Did you follow an outline? Did you work with someone else? Get inspired by a class?  Make a list and just check off each accomplishment.

Years ago I needed to clean out a group of desk drawers, so I called a friend who loves projects.  She is a no nonsense person who was able in an hour to help me.  She had no problem deciphering the treasure from the junk.  Ever since then I try to pull in help when I  procrastinate about something on my list.  Another person with some detachment to my problem helps.

Most of us need help in little ways and it is good to share.  Honesty and talking about things helps.   Trying to resolve “to do lists” can take effort.  Calling in friends helps.  No friends?   Well I am sure there is someone or some service available.   Shall we brainstorm?  Join a group.  (I am launching a self-help online group.  You can jump on at anytime- Watch for it in the coming months!)

I too have been in spots where I didn’t know where to turn.   I have patients who come here for help, because they are stuck too!  Sometimes it takes some investigation on my part.   I know where to get the help my patients need; I can give them information and insight to move ahead.

Sometimes they recognize that I am really there for them right away! Other times, it may be after a level of trust has developed that they take my advice or the information.    I hFile Jul 01, 12 51 50 PMave learned to find resolutions  for myself and I want to share that with others.

Enjoy your day and look for the Mini Miracles!

