Oh yes, today we are talking about “Weeds”.   I find it so novel that when a rainstorm arrives, so do the weeds.   Yes, the bushes grow and the flowers benefit, but suddenly we own a yard full of unwanted vegetation.  They take over the lush garden ground cover and become a nuisance.

I don’t do well in the sun and so I try to go out and pull them up when they are damp.  Last weekend my daughter-in-law helped care for our patio gardens in removing many of these unwanted plants.   I was most appreciative.   It looked a whole lot tidier after her efforts.File Jun 21, 1 00 45 PM

In the front area of our property; however, you can see in this photo that the thistle seems to think the garden belongs to them.  Yesterday I had them cut back and sprayed to contain their roots.   It is an ongoing battle and I don’t think the Rose Bushes need to share their space.

Unfortunately, like the weeds among the Roses, we all have to share space. Weeds lend us a perspective.  We learn to appreciate them.  Sometimes they can be dangerous and help us appreciate the more beautiful plantings.  Sometimes weeds are pretty and we don’t know that they are poisonous or prickly until it is too late.

Even with people we don’t like to be with on a daily basis.  There are people in our lives who have thorn-like personalities too.  Their true colors don’t shine through until it is too late.  They may have wrecked our business’ reputation or set us back in time and money.

They don’t understand how unwelcome they are at meetings, or events.  They crop up at Town Hall Meetings, in business environments, and at work places.  Instead of bringing life and fruitful ideas to a meeting, they bring gloomy faces and negativity.  We have all met these people during our school years.   They get everyone else upset, don’t follow the rules, and are sticky like unwanted glue.  They are not appreciated.  Unfortunately they are often very bright and could become an asset.

Years ago I heard a story about porcupines.  They bond together in comfort and intimacy, but then become so prickly that they push apart from one another.   I guess we all do the same dance to some extent even with those people in our midst.   We need one another and need to learn to communicate better.

I listen to Brendon Burchard who is a motivational speaker and uplifting achiever.  I want to send people who are such downers to listen to him.   He elevates the spirit in all of us to be happier and more productive.

Today, I hope you are upbeat.  If you meet a “Debbie Downer” or “Devilish Dan” I hope your spirit of joy and positive vibes will rub off onto them.   And if you happen to find a way to remove weeds in an easier way, please let me know.    In the meantime, “Delight in Living”!

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