Learning New Things Can Be Frustrating!

I don’t know about you, but learning for me takes a lot of work.  I often have to reread instructions and go through things more than once.  The good news is that once I have mastered something, I am good to go.   It is like unrolling information and making sense of it.  

We all learn in different ways.   Some people are visual learners.  Just show them something one time and they are on their way. There are the auditory learners who have an ear for what is said.  They can repeat things literally after only hearing things one time.   And then there are the learners who vicariously learn from watching others.   They seem to know what to copy and what to avoid.  File Jun 16, 6 58 50 PM The oldest child may learn one way, the middle child another way, and the third child is the watcher who uses their keen sense of observation to learn what to do or not do!

I am indeed an experiential learner for sure.   If I can repeat things a few times and practice a skill, I am good to go!  I love to travel and be with people.   History comes alive for me.   Cultural ways take on an energy that is contagious.   Languages sound so beautiful and intriguing.  Smells and fragrances draw me into the fields of flowers or city life.

I tell you all of this as I am learning to Podcast.  Along the way I have hit the wrong buttons, misunderstood the instructions, and done things 3 times.   I get all messed up with the technology until I have tried it a few times.   It is like this blog and the set up it initially took.   It was the third website I had to build, but each one had its own peculiar shortcuts.   I still stumble every time I need a new plugin.  Thank goodness for go to people in our area.   

I have also been taking a few online courses. This started after podcasting.  If I didn’t love to learn new things it would be awful indeed.  I am sharing this to encourage all of you who read this to just keep trying.   Ask people in the know for help and encouragement.   Ask and you shall receive help.  

I wonder if it isn’t a great job for the average high school student.  Young people this is a great skill many of you have already learned.  Teach your older neighbors how to use the computer.  Charge by the session and meet with them a few times a week. 

With that I wish you a Blessed Day!   Delight in Living!



