Little feet develop slowly. Muscles get stronger. This little foot now belongs to a 5 year old dancer. Someday it will carry her forward into other sports and activities.
If you have ever watched a small child take it’s first step, you know that it does so slowly and with great concentration. Life is like that we take one day at a time. Soon we have passed through a complete week and developed new habits or skills along the way. We learn to like new foods, learn new routes to school, listen to people more completely, and hopefully grow into well rounded adults. A series of weeks adds up to a month and a month into years. Time has suddenly passed us by and we wonder where it went! Reflecting on where one wants to end up is the best way of developing a happy and healthy lifestyle.

Learning is done slowly and with repetition. Patience and instruction gradually add up to success in performing well.
No one I know has become a musician overnight. It has taken weekly classes and many practice sessions to learn musical pieces. A style develops with time. The ability to read music becomes like a second language. A skill develops slowly and with constant effort becomes perfected. Here a man with a passion for music is passing on his love for the guitar to students. Engage, grow, and be confident.
Readers all know that books are great company. Some books are short in nature and transfer a simple message. Others are longer and tell fictitious stories. The authors took time to develop themes so they could convey a message. Slowly chapters build on one another. Reflect today on what you want to develop. Where do you want to end up? Do you want to travel or build a business? Do you want to pray more or teach someone a skill? Reach for your dreams one step at a time! “Delight in Living!”