Part 3. Parents

We all need to be “propped up” like this basket! Let your friends and resources work for you to provide support!
Adults don’t always recognize that their teens have lots of decisions to make that their generation did not have to make. Unfortunately, our youth doesn’t have the firsthand experience available to make selections wisely. Their impulsive decisions may end up on the poor side. So often they forge ahead blindly or accept advice from their peers who are just as confused or impulsive. Some seem downright lazy and others are so boldly motivated. What gives?
Even in large families, each person develops at their own rate; they have their own character. Tall, thin, stout, loud, passive, serious, or humorous can be qualities or determining identifiers that stick with us for ongoing years.
Somehow, we all make it through those teenage years. Some of us are lucky and have fewer regrets from our choices. Others realize they learned so much during those years. They are the great investors, worker bees, or community leaders of today, because of their mistakes or encounters with difficult issues. It is only when we are parenting teenagers ourselves can we appreciate the struggles going on.
To those mom’s or dad’s reading this, your teen will eventually come out of this phase and develop into a beautiful butterfly. Patience is a virtue and one that you will refine during this time, for we are also continuing to grow and mature. When we are in walking along the pathway with teenagers as parents, instructors, or counselors, we fill in the gaps of our own teenage years. We correct some of our own distorted ideas and refine our thinking.
As adults guiding youth, we all need one another. We need to be supportive; not jealous or judgemental. Prop up your friends and relatives, who have teenagers, with encouraging words and help out when possible. Especially if you have younger children. Soon you will appreciate the help. Not all kids are the same and not all will be like their parents. It is a long and tedious journey.
Be aware that Graduation from High School is only the first portion of the road to adulthood. There is more to come!
Have a great weekend, “Delight in Living”.