This puzzle of fish had lots of different shapes to create a unified picture. People are also similar. We are designed to be unique and beautiful.
My husband and I enjoy working puzzles together. Each piece of course, completes a element of the picture. We begin with a frame and connect each section.
That is true in our lives too. We don’t jump from the age of one to 30 without certain things taking place in our lives. Each encounter with a person affects us. Each event, every summer, a school year, or an interaction with a grandparent contributes to who we become.
We are indeed puzzles, growing with many experiences along the way. We are living puzzles that hopefully radiate a spirit of joy. We are unique puzzles. Each person is complete and continues to evolves.
A living vibrant person has many pieces to their story. The language we speak usually indicates the country in which we reside. Our size, hair color, voice, and ways of expression continually evolve as we interact with our peers and community. We continually take in mini habits. These changes have a long term effect as we evolve into adulthood.
As you pass a school building in the next few weeks, think about the children in that building. Are they all the same? Of course, not! They are all developing at different rates, connecting their past with the knowledge presented to them.
Some students will grasp facts. Facts that may contribute to their future careers. Others will begin designing new patterns of thought based on feelings of joy or an emotional impact. These will draw them into different interests.
The relationships they develop in school may lead them to a calling. The school experience may lead some to want to go on to learn more, to teach others, to thrive in another arena. Others may find it stressful and leave school to find an informal pathway to succeeding in life.
Teachers and staff members have a big impact on students. I have two grandsons that are 2 years apart. Both have a love and respect for history thanks to a history teacher who has instilled the love of reading about the past. He brought to life a subject that will help them along the way. He tells stories about the past in a way that becomes real and interesting.
Have you had a teacher who did that for you? Or a mentor that is there for you now? Did you read a book that helped you blossom? Did you have an old neighbor who in some way helped you grab on to a love for a sport, gardening, or hobby?
And to think of all the institutions each person will encounter in life is awesome. The impact of each establishment will form an imprint on that child. Their local church, park district, or camp will develop a piece of their puzzle. To think of all the places, people, books, and cultural modes one has experienced in their lifespan is mind boggling.
So what do you wish to experience? Who do you want to connect with to fill in your living puzzle? What part of yourself needs refinement? Do you want to travel? Do you want to read more or watch more movies? Do you need to enhance a color or develop vitality in one arena? With Easter around the corner and the newness of Spring all around, what will you take away and embrace.
Build your beautiful puzzle by embracing your experiences. Let your light shine for others to see. Enjoy your day and remember to “Delight in Living”.