Variety is the “Spice of Life”
Whenever we ate, Mom always offered us foods of different colors. A brightly colored fruit, a yellow or green veggie, a protein, and a carb would be served. I recall our plates of food looking inviting and tasting great.
A tasty potato, a plate of noodles, homemade bread, and rice varied with the main dishes. We were encouraged to try different foods, engage in preparing dishes in different ways, and spicing things up with seasonings.
As we got older and ate at friends homes, we graciously learned to enjoy their gifts of dinner to us. The mini miracle of “joy” blossoms by having food to nurture us every single day. I can smell the aromas of fresh breads baking and vanilla in the cakes my mother would make. What blessings we are given and take for granted until we cannot taste, smell, or have foods available to eat.
As I traveled, I could see how areas around the sea offered seafood and the areas where prime land offered wonderful fruit assortments. A few years ago I began to relish a love for vegetable soups after visiting Portugal. In Ireland, potatoes are served everywhere. In Malaysia the seafoods were superb because they were fresh and wonderfully prepared. In the European countries, rich ethnic foods were complimented with wines, liquors, and beer. Again the people experienced “joy” in their companionship of eating with one another.
Dad would tell us to have a variety of friends. Keep in touch with everyone! He loved people and encouraged us to do so also. Make lots of friends and learn what makes them thrive and succeed. People bring joy to one another by sharing and good conversations.
Keeping on top of things calls us to have a variety of interests. Trying music, the arts, sports, hobbies, and activities keep us interested in life and interesting people as well. In Poland, the children were encouraged to sing, play the piano, or take up any musical instrument. Joy filled sounds seemed all around from the concert hall to the downtown Square where people shopped and interacted. I had a dear college friend who came here from that country and was a walking embodiment of talent.
In schools here, we are offered opportunities that can help us develop gifts. The gift of singing carries many career choices like teaching the arts, performing, and/or participating in community musical productions. We are encouraged to think about “what we want to do when we grow up”. It can be a daunting choice or one that comes naturally. A “joy” filled decision.
We are exposed to hockey, basketball, volleyball, tennis, swimming, or many other sports. These keep us healthy and connected with others. We learn to be team players and keep our “feel good chemicals” flowing. Joy emerges!
We are exposed to math, science, art, history, and languages that can spread like wildfire to create well rounded professionals. Students are our future doctors, pharmacists, and researchers. We encourage our youth to share by joining the ranks of librarians, teachers, and mediators. We have those to become lawyers, community leaders, and politicians.
Whatever you do, keep variety in your life. It provides great joy. Delight in Living!