Prioritizes Help Make Us  Healthy!

I usually have things ready the night before so I can flow through the morning activities with ease.  My priorities are to get myself ready.  I make the bed and utter a few prayers of thanksgiving.  Today I was especially happy and grateful to see the sun!  I woke up feeling really refreshed and not achy.  Praise God.  Usually I  go outside for a first-hand weather report with the dog and then feed her.   I make sure Tony is set for the day, and zip out the door with my bags on my arm.

The last few days have been cold and sleety outside.  Sweeping outside the door, adding salt to the sidewalk, and grabbing the morning paper usually get done without thinking.   As I entered the house I noticed Rosy’s favorite stuffed squirrel was slightly torn.  IMG_3590 She has had this toy for over a year.   I can’t tell you how many times I thought a “real squirrel” had entered our house.

This particular morning I grabbed a needle and thread.  My priorities changed from racing through the laundry/sewing room changed on the spot.   I quickly sewed up the tear in squirrels tummy and set it back on the counter so I could snap the photo.   I knew it wouldn’t get stitched up for weeks if I put it on the mending pile. That is one thing that seems to be last on the normal priority list.  Yet sewing and ironing is one of my favorite times to relax and pray.  And it was a joy to see Rosy sitting and waiting for me to give it back to her.

Our priorities change as our lives move along.    We may no longer do things for money; we may become more conscious of those that have less.   We may try to bring a little sunshine and grace to othersI thought of a friend whose mom held a “dear spot” in my heart.  She was retired, but certainly not inactive.  As a matter of fact, she kept herself busy crocheting hats for kids with cancer.  I had once sent her some yarn for her projects and she graciously sent me the kindest note of thanks.  What a great example our senior citizens set for us.  They teach us to use our talents all the time; to keep abreast of the news, to be grateful for everything and to keep learning!  This is actually a photo of her crocheting away!  Thanks Jo Anne for the picture.

Next to work an34643_102214206500581_4546220_nd all the other things that demand my time, is working on puzzles.   It is a great joy for me to sit at the end of the day or on a Sunday evening working puzzles.   We just finished this one.   Quiet time for us to share a moment of time together is a big priority.   Rosy “nestles-in” on her bed nearby and seems to relish the family time.   As time has gone on I realized this priority takes place of going out to dinners together.  It is indeed necessary and fun. IMG_3583

If you notice, the spirit is at work as we move through the day.  Hopefully we are able to laugh as we fumble or make mistakes and not get angry about the mishaps.  Earlier this week when the weather was being unkind to us, I chuckled as I saw a neighbors lawnmower under a blanket of snow.  Our weather last week was awesome.   Warm and breezy.  I suspect he got ambitious, but then the weather flipped to cold and nasty.

Although there are so many things we cannot control, there are things that we can certainly enjoy.  Looking around now, what are the things that are good?  Are you driving in a nice working car?  Are your kids creating times of laughter and joy for you?   Are you feeling good today?  Have you encountered friendly colleagues or finished a project?  Let joy shine brightly as you meet new people and move along your day.  Peace to all and happy Friday!