IMG_4012-225x300Kindness comes in various forms.  Back in 1982, my mother and father were both extremely ill.  I had a wonderful neighbor who would run over to watch our children on a minutes notice so I could run to the hospital or care for emergencies.  She helped me when my mom died and was there 90 days later when my dad died.  I was ever so grateful for her willing spirit to help out.  I later learned that someone had been there for her when her teenage daughter was killed in a car accident. When I thanked her she asked me to pay it forward.   That time did come when I could help out a different neighbor in a crunch.   What comes around does indeed goes around!

Today a roofer showed up to clean out our gutters from the collection of leaves and sticks that had been falling from our trees.   He does this twice a year for us when I call him, but today he showed up before the rains and wind began.   Now that is service beyond the call of duty.  He is really a respectful businessman and one I’d refer over and over again.

A few weeks back on a Friday afternoon, I went to the drive-up at Starbucks.   When I went to pay, I found the person 2 cars ahead of me had picked up the tab.  Wow, she made my day even though she had already pulled away.  I only wish I could have told her how much it brightened my day.

A few months back I was going through a rough patch and feeling gloomy.  Suddenly my daughter-in-law appeared at my side to talk.   It took effort on her part to find a baby sitter and take time out of her week to be there for me.  What a blessing to have her in my life!

Then there was the time when I went to make a bed and saw a shiny corner in the room.  As I went to wash it, the corner of our bedroom wall collapsed to show a maze of wasps nests woven in the plaster board space.  I was alarmed and not sure what was there so I sent an SOS to my daughters house.  My son-in-law was able to empty the 36 in square of nesting, replace all the insulation and put up plaster board to rebuild  the wall.  I am sure it was not his idea of how to spend his Sunday, but I was grateful not only for his efforts, but for his quick thinking and good spirits.   How lucky we are to have him in our lives too!

These random acts of kindness all mean so much to me.   They remind me to be more open to impromptu invitations of caring for those around us.  Whether it is in business or just being neighborly, we all need to reach out.

With the recent sad events in Paris this past weekend, so many people in addition to first responders  reached out to help one another.   Across the world, prayers were being said.  The majority of people in the world look out to help each other during times of crisis.  In Africa when the Ebola outbreak happened, volunteers, nurses, and doctors helped out even at risk of getting sick or dying. As a result of their bravery and the help of pharmaceutical companies many that might have died, lived.  As the cycle of disease passed through the land, medical updates were made.   Hopefully, the Ebola outbreak may have in some way, helped protect or perhaps prevent future diseases.

Social media plays a big part in how we learn about things.  Let’s all share the best we have in the forms of talent and good will.  Let’s give kindly advice to one another and spread the spirit of life whenever we are able to help.