The Best is Yet to Come!
Yes, the Best is Yet to Come. Rosy turns 11 in March and has been fighting congestive heart failure the last 2-3 weeks. Medicine has been helping her respiration and a modest diet has helped her rally around. The extremely cold weather makes her rush in and out quickly, but it is more often than normal.
Today as I was preparing her food, I reached over to hand her the medications in a small ball of peanut butter. She accepted it graciously. I found myself saying, “The best is yet to come!” On the counter was her breakfast which was dog food and a scrambled egg to entice her to eat.

At 10 she is still fond of tossing and playing with her toys. She does not destroy them, but seems to know they are for fun.
The best is yet to come is advice I needed to hear lately too. It seems that when things are going wrong, this mantra really helps. It extends to a way of thinking that has served me well over the years. Sometimes the advice we give to others is really for ourselves, so I have learned to key into that insight.
As a student, I would do my homework and know the reward was in knowing the material. That would usually result in good grades. If I did my chores, it meant time out to play. The reward would be as a result of the effort. As an adult I need to start flipping this a bit. I need to play more and recognize that much of the hard work has already been done in some areas.
Somehow we’d all like the prize before putting in the work. We’d rather weigh less, but still eat out of control. We’d like to have the good things in life like a new car, but aren’t patient enough to wait and save for it. As I get older, waiting is even harder.
Here it is winter and very cold this week. Below zero! I am totally impatient to get outside into our garden den and soak up the sunshine. I’d love to be shedding the coats and added sweaters! I’d love to walk safely without the concern of falling on ice or freezing. I see friends traveling and think I’d like to be joining them, but realize reality doesn’t allow that right now.
Where are you in this thinking? Do you believe the best is yet to come? What are you doing that will lead you to the big payoff? Are you dieting? Exercising? Working on a project with a long term goal that will pay you dividends? Are you saving money for a trip? Are you waiting for the joys of seeing a new grandchild? Or perhaps getting in that garden with all the baby plants from your seedlings?
The best part of winter for me used to be ice skating. I no longer do that, but realize that winter if the prerequisite of Spring days and more light. “The best is yet to come!”