Who Me?

Changes are happening to all of us.  You might say, “Who Me?”  This week’s podcast is loaded with questions and ideas to move you ahead.

Beauty in the changes of the seasons can elevate us. Throughout life, we go through times of difficulty. We suffer from health issues. We have friends or relatives that die. We struggle during times of financial moments. We need to have self-control, be involved with others, and focus on how we care for ourselves. Linda pulls it all together.

Another topic of seasonal changes involves the decisions that happen when we get married. Good marriages are created by a series of choices that call us to be team players. Loving one another calls for a decision to listen and give up what we want for one another.   Sometimes it calls us to sacrifice the time we’d rather be elsewhere to stay and help our spouses.

Choices are happening minute by minute to bring stability into our lives. What habits do you need to change? What things contribute to your happiness?


Create deadlines and note any reluctance to do things. How do you procrastinate?  Focus on the reason you are doing things and the reason you don’t do things. What are you avoiding?  Is there a fear that is holding you back?  Are you in pain?  Just tired feeling?  Are you being lazy?

Have your beliefs changed in the last year? Are you more isolated in the last year? Are you allowing yourself to be making decisions based on newscasts? Have you lost cultural imprints? Are you getting enough hugs? Watching more TV and taking on those thoughts rather than thinking through what you need or want?

What do I want?


Where do we get joy? Do you thank those who help you or take the time to tell others what nice things they have done for you? Are there things you need to pay forward? Do you give verbal “tips” or just monetary ones? Start with a ripple effect of kindness and thanks!  Gina Hamadey tells us the real magic that comes when we express it. She wrote 365 notes of thanks to people around her.  Her book is listed below.

Dealing with Excess

Determine if you have extras laying around your house? We all do! Do you have excess in your pantry? Do you use the same outfits, but have a closet packed with extra clothes? Extra stuff can create confusion and clutter messes with our thinking.  Choices help us get rid of excess stuff. It helps all of us. The more things that you have around may make a difference if you share them. It helps you and helps others too. Transform your life by sharing!

Books mentioned in today’s podcast include:

OFF Balance by Matthew Kelly
Happiness is a Serious Problem by Dennis Prager
I want to Thank You: How a Year of Gratitude Can Bring Joy & Meaning in a Disconnected World by Gina Hamadey

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