Getting replenished takes insight and time.  Sometimes we need to make simple changes. Enjoy a few thoughts on this matter with this week’s podcast.

What have you had to assemble?

Reading directions helps us to put things together. We are all given roadmaps, and directions to succeed. Affirmations move us forward. Learning comes from trying new things. Letting change help us go forward calls us to turn to other people.

GPS helps us and we don’t realize how learning to read a map is still important.  Maybe it doesn’t seem that way as it was years ago, but it is a good skill. Schedules, deadlines, and calendars move us into a productive mode. Linda talks about a wren and how it set an example

What is relaxing for you?

Having Passed Labor Day Linda talked about a relaxed day. She recommended a book by Anne Lamot called Bird by Bird. It talked about instructions on writing and life. A good book stressing how habits set us up for success. Linda mentions the value of listening to books being read to us.

Trust your own judgment!

People that seek help are usually good about working through issues. I am fortunate to have people coming into my office who want to excel.

Confidence grows when we share our knowledge with other people.

What are you good at doing? What do you share with other people? Being happy for other’s joys and celebrating with them will help you grow!

What forces you to make a change?

Loss of jobs, needing a doctor, or getting gas in your vehicle may seem insignificant until you have no choice. Maturing continues until the day we die so we need to be patient with teenagers and ourselves. Roadblocks are often good for us because we are forced to change.


Take the first step, it may put you on the escalator of success.