Today’s Small Insights
Well, I find I do my best podcasting and writing when I am physically active. With the Coronavirus keeping me at home like so many of you, I decided to start Spring cleaning. That requires bending, crawling and stretching. I completed one whole room, cleaned the floors and doors of two other closets and vacuumed the upper level of the house.
Now that spurred me forward. When I went to clean out the vacuum and throw out the towels, I discovered a gutter extension was away from the house. It called me to go outside and fix it. We had a snowstorm last night and the yard is a combination of wet and bright spring green. So odd.

A Mid-April Snow cover is melting.
I began to think about you, my clients, those that I counsel, as well as, those that are coached and realized we are all looking for new ways to be refreshed. The loss of hugs and gathering together over lunch or dinner has indeed changed us. We are missing the interaction and the conversations that lift us up. By the way, feel free to sign up for our Pain workshop or contact us for coaching care.
Then I heard on the radio an hour ago a comment about the times in the 1950’s when Polio was keeping us inside. I recall those times as a child. We couldn’t go to the small pools and had to be in during the hottest period of the day. I remember how excited my parents were when a vaccine for Polio was created. I also remember the actual afternoon we went for the shots. Sometimes we are slowed down by things of our own creation, but this was from an outside source and it had killed so many people. Today this Coronavirus is doing the same thing. It has frightened so many of us and calls us to pray for a drug to help us. Our lives continue to change, but the technology of today is now a valuable resource for us to stay connected.