This is Podcast #98 and this is Linda Gullo from Mini Miracles from Minor Moments.

This is Podcast #98 and This is Linda Gullo from Mini Miracles from Minor Moments. I am here to welcome you to the weekend. It’s coming up mighty fast and there is so much we want to do while the summer is still fresh and alive. So many people are getting ready to go back to school already. Teachers are already back in the classrooms, and as August goes forward our college kids leave and so many things in the world are going on. Today I want to look at the minor things going on in your life and how wonderful they are and ow we have mini miracles popping up around us. Stay tuned for a whole mess of ideas that will help you have a great weekend.


Random Thoughts

Linda addresses frustration and how she dealt with it yesterday! Linda asks you a few pertinent questions about your own life and how plugged in you are today.


Are you the person who says YES to everything? Be aware about using the word NO; it can be very helpful to help you with your temperament and feeling better. Don’t be a monster from taking on too many things. Learning to know our own limits is very valuable.


Mastering self control means something different to each of us. Do you know what you want to control in your life?


Inspirational sayings and how you use them? Linda addresses kindness and an upcoming segment called DID YOU KNOW?  Look forward to this, it should be fun!

See you next week.