What happens behind the microphone changes every time I turn them on? I usually have thoughts that I want to share and express to my listeners.  Things that seem to be topical around town, in the news, and in the bookstores.  This Podcast is about reading and the wonderful insights it brings to you.   Jump in and listen as Linda encourages you with a short story of how her children became readers and maybe how you can be spurred forward to read too! When it comes to Podcasting my methods are evolving and I hope you see a positive difference.  Usually I begin with an outline sketched on paper of things I want to discuss and then go from there.   I was a big more scripted initially for fear of forgetting a fact or two, but now those details are on the outline.   I usually keep the mics on throughout the day in case I get inspired.

This week I am reading Secrets of the Millionaire Mind that I  bought at Amazon.  Unfortunately I received the book twice in Chinese.   Since I don’t read that language, I had to be patient for the correct copy.  Click at the bottom of the page and it will take you directly to Amazon if you are interested.