Well everyone of us has an image of how we see ourselves. Sometimes that image has been badly distorted by some trauma or someone that has harmed us. We don’t have to look into a mirror and ask the question to know how we feel. Feelings are not right or wrong! When one feels pain, it isn’t questioned. It is addressed by therapy, medication, or physical exercise. The same thing is true of our emotional and mental well being. People don’t have to suffer, they can process things and put them into a different perspective.

Meet Blue, who is indeed a handsome parakeet. Parakeets thrive on talking to themselves in the reflection of mirrors. They are most entertaining when they do this. It isn’t the same for people.
Our businesses also carry images. They reflect how well we treat our personnel, how kind we act in public, and if we are indeed doing our job. I find that many people are poor representations of their business. They don’t realize that every encounter is a photograph of how they do business. I recently called a business leader for what to him was a trivial matter and in his sighs and eagerness to throw out an answer was very disturbing. It will make me think twice about the way he conducts business with his clients and his employees.
I recall one man, who was a Chiropractor. He acted rather inappropriately at a large gathering by divulging a patients identity without their permission. I am not even sure he was aware of this mistake, which is even worse. Confidentiality is essential.
Confidentiality issues are important when it comes to being reputable. That was also true of a Lawyer I was at a meeting with several years back. He openly announced a clients name in public. Identities are important to each of us. They enable us to feel significant. After that event, I never referred patients to him and took his name off my referral base.
I see Blue here who is looking for a physical reflection. What kind of reflection do you seek? Is it one that is good for business? One that is just a physical image or one that is congruent with the way you conduct business?
Mini Miracles is a branch of Delight in Living and offers on line Coaching sessions on a regular basis. Feel free to contact us for help. Have a “Delight in Living” day and recognize all the mini miracles that rain down on you!