As a Coach, I want the VERY BEST for my CLIENTS!    I want people to come to me and get clarification for themselves on how to forge ahead.  I want them to feel confident and clear about reality and how to face it head on without fear.  I want my clients to create their own safe boundaries!

I find that there is so much going on in everyone’s life that we often forget how to categorize what is relevant and what is not relevant.   Do you find you are a juggler?   You juggle family concerns, health issues, phone calls, business relationships, and you are doing really well.   Any number of situations can suddenly turn your world upside down!  All of a sudden, a tire goes flat and you now have to rearrange several appointments?  3 days have gone by and you have missed exercising?  You lose an important account that funded your business?  Something from out of nowhere throws you into a tailspin.  Or you miss a deadline that was important.

Really successful people are excellent at prioritizing.   Years ago, a school administrator I knew was very clear on deciding what things were important.   Simplify, gather facts and prioritize.  “Safety is number one and everything else falls into place.”   Her words were acted out on a regular basis and it seemed to work well!

Being in business may be harder than you think.   What once worked may no longer be fitting.  Laws and tax regulations change that may have an effect you. You’d like to define yourself as a success, but you need help.   So you turn to a coach for some direction.  You ask for help and guidance to keep up to date.

It sounds too simple actually, but today I used that strategy to help myself.  I was concerned about whether something was legitimate and gathered all my paperwork together and started making phone calls.   I went online and checked for more information.   I’d like to think this method works.  It gave me a feeling of control.  I feel better after taking action.

In another instance, I gathered all the facts about a situation.  I got up-to-date information and a history to validate it.  Along with common sense it whittled down to safety for a family.   Making recommendations or referrals also is important.  Knowing your own limits and what you are able to do is also important.  The more people one knows,  the better the chance of getting direction and information. Many of my “rolodex” files helps me help others.

Yesterday I had office help and we cleaned up all the filing here in the office.   I straightened up piles according to the dates and tackled the most pressing.  This person is from the “IT” world and knows so many facets of confidentiality.   It is important that the people we draw into our circle are qualified in what they do.   It is good for us and those we work to help.

Today, I completed projects and will not do anything new until these are done.  The problems result when we are overwhelmed and have no one to help us.   I recall a neighbor who was in major depression many years ago. I did not realize it at first until she called me for help.

It became crystal clear to me that there was a problem when I walked into her home.  Her focus was gone.  She was all over the place.   She had a faucet turned on to do dishes, but the water was going down the drain.  Instead of filling up a sink filled with dishes to be soaked, she had walked away to start another project.   In her confusion, she never put in the detergent  or did anything more.   On the kitchen table were gifts to be wrapped.   The television was blaring some soap opera;  the radio was on in the same room.  She didn’t know what to listen to and I realized she was alone.  As I came into her home,  she rambled on about several different things and concerns.

I began by shutting off the water.  I  silenced the radio and turned off the television in order to understand what was going on between her tears.   Together we tackled one project and then another.   We took  care of the dishes.  She was to focus on wrapping the gifts and labeling them.   I helped her by discussing the issues.  I slowed her down and helped her process the issues. By the end of my visit, we  got her assistance from family members.  In my own life, I try to do one thing at a time and complete that project.   In a world that has condoned multi tasking, it is important to steady ourselves and take an inventory of how we operate.

Sometimes it may not seem that your problems are like this!  You may not have clutter or have started many projects that are so evident.  Instead you may have a mass of other things cluttering your mind.  Worries may be mentally stimulating you and creating chaos in your head.  The chaos turns good judgements into bad ones.  Work is not completed or what is done is wrongly executed.   You may have a desk, a car, or a closet full of unresolved problems.

Learning to delegate and dividing the tasks into meaningful pieces may help. Creating systems to deal with problems is also a service.   My expertise is to help people do this or assist  them to recognize what works best for them.   We separate, clarify, and prioritize.   With good repeatable guidance, things get defined.   We determine the obstacles  and patterns standing in the way to resolve problems. Tools and processes to take care of issues are created.

We need to slow down, make lists, prioritize, and gather help.   As a coach, I may encourage others to purge on paper.   I help them clean out the garbage thinking. Often people recognize the need to  refocus on being productive and feeling good about themselves.

Look around you today and think about what aids are available to you.  As always you can contact my office for Counseling or email me at [email protected] for online Coaching Services.   I am offering an initial 3 week insight package, with optional follow up plans.   Follow up sessions also provide online contact with me, worksheets, handouts, and support.

Enjoy your week and Delight in Living!


