Hello Friends!  Welcome to Mini Miracles from Minor Moments.  This is your host Linda Gullo.  I treasure the small things in life, the encounters with people, and even the struggles that often bring us insight.  Each week I bring out a theme and a thought provoking story or two for these 10 to 15 minute episodes.  They are based on simple ideas with upbeat and hopeful encouraging tidbits for you to take along.  These Podcasts are also on lindagullo.com where you can get the show notes.

Hopefully here at Mini Miracles from Minor Moments, you’ll find of insights and knowledge about yourself.  My plan is to help you like yourself and recognize the gifts you have been given.   We all have them and until someone or some experience shows us, we often miss seeing them in ourselves.IMG_0951

As many of you who follow me know, I have an office for meeting people one-on-one for Clinical Counseling.  I decided to expand my services to you in this weekly Coaching Podcast.  It certainly is not the same, but maybe it can lend you perspective.

Acknowledging one another is one of the most important things we can do to feel valuable.  Just a wave, a simple hello, and an occasional conversation makes people feel that they aren’t so alone.  I recently invited a bunch of people for a Group to my office.  It does call for a commitment to come regularly.

One lady I invited, sent me a few sentences back acknowledging the invitation.  It was so nice to hear from her just to know that she received it. People seem to be hiding behind emails and social media.   This is an opportunity to meet people face-to-face and break the cycle of loneliness that I see so often on a daily basis.

Now  I’d like to invite you too.   It is called the Mini Miracle Cafe and will begin on October 28th at 7 pm.   It is to help you find your way into a different profession or job.   Perhaps you just need a push into another direction or even into retirement.  Please feel free to call 815-459-5161 to register or send an email to [email protected]   Hopefully we can collectively help you make contacts and go forward with good self esteem.

Years ago I worked with a Psychologist who always made time for others.   He managed to keep a full schedule teaching, counseling, and  empowering others.   Over the years so many of his words have played out to be true.  Dynamic opportunities to be among educated and experienced people becomes less as we leave the educational realm.   We have to pursue authorities on the topics we are interested in, but often we don’t know where to look for help.

I come from a family where hugs were the norm for greeting or saying goodbye to one another.  As a child, it made me feel really accepted to be squished under someones loving embrace.  I miss those people who were so genuine and accepting.  Those family members have died, but what they stood for and how they faced life live on in how I treat others.  Youth are our future.  Giving them the desire to work hard and embrace learning is still the duty of parents and bosses.

What it taught me was to appreciate other people and treat them with kindness.  When I welcome people into my home or office, it is with hospitality.  At the end of our meetings I’ll always walk them to the door.  It just is such an easy thing to do and so natural for me.

Think for a moment about how you connect with others.  Do you joyfully return their phone calls?  Are you eager to see them when they drop by?  Are you able to do this with kindness or are they just an annoyance?

Do you recognize their hard work and encourage others to succeed?  I know a young lady who works very hard on the college level to learn the skills she needs in her future work.  She is working to help pay for the opportunity and she paces herself quite well.  I try to always follow her struggles and achievements.

People don’t always need handouts, they need to know what they are doing however, is important.
Acknowledgements and appreciation come in the form of words.   Sometimes just a 2 minute phone call or someone stopping bye the office to say hello means a lot.   They have taken the time to connect even if it for their own benefit.  (example of the young man) I try to be a change agent for other people by listening.

Being a life long learner is always a drawing card for me –and hopefully for you too.  Keep learning, keep growing-continue making new friends.  Relish in the time each week to collect insights by using the power of silence to refresh and renew your mind.  Keep moving and see all the Mini Miracles shower over you.

Until next week, stay true to yourself.  Thank you for listening and for the kind feedback I have received. Recognize the good people around you, the small joys that carry you forward, and the laughable moments.  Look for those Mini Miracles!  Bye for now and have a great week.


