Sundays are traditionally a “day of rest”.   I have been trying to use them as a time to recoup and get ready for another week.  Even at that, I find myself doing a lot around the house.   I try not to shop or get involved  in  “work”.  I sneak in a cup of coffee and a few minutes of playing solitaire. Monday has its agenda lined up.

Maybe your day of rest comes on another day.   We have professions that require us to have different schedules.  You may work as a caretaker in a hospital or rotate your days off.   I hope you are able to slow down at some time each week.  The encouragement her is that we need to relax once in a while for our health & disposition.

File Aug 14, 7 34 32 PMWell, my sidekick knows the secret to relaxing.  She is here demonstrating for me. She gives me the permission I need to unwind. After this photo she turned around on the loveseat we share and has curled up under my arm.  The heat from her body and peaceful breathing seems to hypnotize me into a relaxed state.  She is also a good reminder to go to bed at night.  I tend to want to stay up late; she will coax me to shut off the light and go into the bedroom for some rest.  Both of us let out a sigh!

I recognize that a change of pace and a break in my schedule does my spirit good.  How about you?  What gives you rest?  Is it seeing a friend?  Being with the family?   Catching up on yard work?  Calling an old friend?

I had a friend who was over 20 years my senior.  I used to call her on a Sunday afternoon to connect with her.  I miss those calls now that she has died, because I think it helped me greatly define my week.  She was always insightful.

One of the reasons we need a free day is that it gives us perspective and clears our minds.   We all need to keep evolving, but just like our phones and computers need to be rebooted, so do we!   We need clarity to stay well.  Sleep is healing.  It helps our bodies stay healthy.  Maybe for some of us we find extra time to pray.  I have been  thinking of those who can’t relax due to the flooding in their areas.  We need to pray for our world at large!

Tell me, how do you rest?  Do you give yourself permission to unwind?   When do you pray or meditate or shut down the noise in your busy life?   Who do you know that paces themselves well?

( has a number of studies on sleep.)  Also good to read and learn the many benefits of rest, exercise, and the effects of caffeine.

Have a great week!  Delight in Living!
