How do you communicate? So many times we are able to communicate well with people from our own age group. We understand the meanings and unspoken words, because we have the same backgrounds. Teenagers have a language of their own, but so do the 40, 50 or 60 year olds. Just listen to each group talk and their language comes from the music, the expressions, the jokes, and the politics of the day.
Is it any wonder that the difference in our level of communication and the ideas of the generations are different? Of course not! It is good to note these things and try the best we can to bridge the differences so grandchildren and grandparents understand one another.

Languages are so beautiful, but we need to interpret things for one another. Even if the language is one you’ve used your whole life, it can convey different ideas. Just try to converse with a group of family members that are all different ages! It is easy to feel unheard at times like that!
I try to talk with my Granddaughter, but her idea and knowledge base is so different. She is isolated in many respects and doesn’t understand things in the ways that I try to exchange information. I am not in tune with the ideas she is presenting, even though I work with other teens. Each one of us sees things so differently, and yet we TRY to share ideas. We need to interpret for each other.
It may be harder to communicate with a different generation because different levels of respect are needed too. So many behaviors are not the same. A standard of “politeness” varies by age and the way we express ourselves may be misinterpreted. Our lingo and expressions may be unique to a culture. It is funny that this is true for all families, all cultures, and for all times.
Just think about the musical West Side Story. I recently saw it presented at the Paramount in Aurora a few months back. It has an updated twist that made it an excellent show. Everyone was trying to get the other to understand. There were so many misinterpretations going on. It’s so real in so many ways.
Education helps immensely because it gives us a broader base of understanding. Age matters because more experience clarifies things for us. Traveling helps to take us outside of our surroundings. Seeing how different families behave and think lends us perspective.
I recently was taught by some teens that the punctuation each generation uses on facebook, messaging, and in letters can convey different ideas. More to learn! CAPITAL LETTERS in an email as many of you know means shouting. No one wants to do that!
Let’s continue to communicate and try to understand each other no matter what your perspective, please listen. No matter what you think someone is saying, try to be patient!