Monumental Moments keep happening and it is important we celebrate them regularly.   Life  is filled with so much sadness and people are working 24/7; we need to bring in joyful events.  We recently had a family gathering where we celebrated 2 adult birthdays, 2 graduations, and 3 fathers for Father’s Day.  Somewhere in the mix, I received a couple belated Mother’s Day hanging baskets of flowers, as well.  So very welcome!

IMG_6513The best part of the day was just being together.  Everyone finds their place after eating.   Kids ran out to play in the yard along with a few siblings.  Others landed in front of sports games on the television.   A couple people zonked out and fell asleep for a half hour nap.  Dad was thrilled to sit on the patio swing with a cigar.  Definitely a rare event for him to have a smoke these days, but one that he thoroughly enjoyed.  He was kept company by an adult who kindly began weeding the patio gardens for us.

Even though it is just for a few hours, it is a nice break to catch up with family.   Everyone is busy with work, kids events, and rushing around.

I couldn’t help but think about the nostalgia of this bench that one of our smaller grandchildren was playing on.   I had scraped my knees on it several times when it was at my Grandmother’s house years ago.   It came from their Indiana farmhouse and was made by my grandfather some 85-90 years back.   It probably has witnessed many family gatherings.

We all survived the afternoon without an major trauma.   Our yard was pleasant; no buzzing bees to escape from on a warm summer day.   The mood was light.   The youngest baby of 6 months had fallen asleep for an afternoon nap.  My daughter began showing her 5 year old a Caterpillar.  Of course, she wanted to keep it as a pet.  LOL  Her mom explained it needed to be free to turn into a butterfly.  It was safely placed back on a leaf to develop. It was a simple, but cool moment.

Family is a real gift that I refuse to take for granted.  Tomorrow we celebrate 48 years of marriage and its been a remarkable life of good and bad moments.   There is much to rejoice about when I see how fortunate we are with grandchildren and easy going Sunday visits.

May your summer days be blessed.   Delight in Living!

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