Creating the Life You Want!
Are you intentional about creating the life you want? Are you doing the things you enjoy most? If not, why? What is holding you back? Is it a fear of some sort, or is the timing all wrong?
Most of us take time to clean out closets, pass on clothes that don’t fit, and share objects no longer needed. We wash the floors and throw out bent or broken hangers. We note what needs mending and get things repaired. These are all functional things that we do regularly.
We all have a traveling trunk. It is an invisible tool chest that we’ve been packing since childhood. It is filled with feelings, thoughts, audio and visual replays from our parents. We also have a file of skills. Skills like reading, writing, and reasoning. It has a section for dealing with friendships and interacting with one another. There are hidden emotions and memories that have accumulated; some of which we’d like to toss.
Do you know how these got packed into your traveling trunk? Were they thrown in haphazardly or with care from well intended caregivers? Did you teachers help you develop attitudes of hope and cheerfulness? Were you taught to be generous and grateful? Did others leave you feeling angry and mentally bruised? Were you school years or athletic endeavors favorable?

This chest may not be invisible, but you can see the potential in it to hang on to things you don’t need. That is true mentally, as well. Clean it out and like yourself more.
Now the question becomes “Are you taking time as an adult to repack and get parenting updates for yourself?” Are you tossing out bad memories and repacking good ones? Are you empowering yourself? If not, I have just commissioned you to take charge.
I encourage you to do so today. Pick your friends. Listen to good Podcasts. Watch worthwhile movies. Travel around your country and other places to understand how cultures affect you. Learn new languages. Listen to new music. Meet new people and develop hobbies.
This is time to erase bad memories. Maybe a counselor can help you put aside thinking that is no longer used or needed. It is good to express yourself and hear you hear yourself saying what is on your mind. Embrace a spirit of thankfulness. Take responsibility for putting a smile on your face and in your heart.
“Delight in Living” begins right now!