Keep Moving
Move, eat well, and be involved.
I watch young people who are full of energy. The more they do, the more they want to do. At the end of the day they rest well for the night. As we age, our bodies go through changes. In many cases, we are not as active as we once were. Our jobs changes and the amount of activity does too. The secret is to make exercise part of the day. A challenge for all of us. How do you do it?
For two years in a row, I had problems with my hands. I accidentally hit one very hard and although it was not broken, it seemed to take forever to heal. A year later I fell while outside with my dog and hurt the other hand. That one healed a little faster with therapy. It kept me from playing the piano and guitar. Now I have to get back to practicing and taking lessons again. But the secret is making it a regular part of my week so it seems natural. I hate adding another “to do” into my schedule.
I am thankful for being able to move and walk easily, but my stamina needs work. How about you? Are you limber? Do you work out? Do you have a partner or someone to do things with each day? I think that might be good, so I have to seek out another walker.
Know where you are going? Mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally make a plan.
Our health is a major thing. When we have health, mobility, and our working senses, we can do many wonderful things in the course of a day. I was in the vegetable aisle today. I was busy looking at the freshness dates. A lady came up next to me and we began discussing health drinks. Her comment was that it is good to eat well, because illnesses are so hard to heal.
Even those people reading this may be in good health, some wear glasses, hearing aids or orthotics to enable us them to function well. We want to intentionally promote good health. Good walking shoes, well fitting hats, and gloves make our activities safe. Whether it is our bones, eyes, ears, internal organs, or skin, we need to be protective.
It is hard to be consistent with our eating. Unless we are propelled along by someone or something it’s easy to slip up. Right now I am in the middle of a detox trip! I love vegetables, salads, and soups. Hopefully since this program is based on vegetables and fruits, I think I’ll be fine. It will help me to keep moving forward. There are daily video feeds that help with the mindset.
Last week I had an event to attend. I think of the people I met there? I’d loved listening to their lives and what they were trying How did you keep motivated? Did they help? Did you reach your goals and have you maintained them?
Here is a photo of a young man hiking. He was one of a group and probably enjoyed it. He also regularly is active in soccer and wrestling so the variation of hiking was fun. I think finding your passion for a sport helps immensely.
In the next few weeks, I will share some recipes I find to be delicious and helpful.
Meantime, keep moving and “Delight in Living”!