You may wish to “Journal” about this topic and discover self insight . . .
“For I know well the plan’s I have in mind for you says the Lord, plans for your welfare, not for woe! Plans to give you a future full of hope. When you call me, when you go to pray to me, I will listen to you. Jeremiah 29:11-12NAB
As children, parents have plans for their children. In school, teachers tell us where and what we are to do. As adults, bosses have plans for our time. Is it any wonder how we all become so different as individuals?
Not at all, because each person is so unique and created as one of a kind. This concept is still boggling to my mind. To think that we are all in a sense commissioned to greatness in some way is even more remarkable. God has extended himself and His spirit into each of us. Together, we are meant to work as a team and help one another.
So when I first read this, many moons ago, I wondered “Well okay God, tell me your plans?”. “Tell me fast so I can get busy with the assignment and execute it!” Instead God takes His time; he does things in His own time. He drops small bits of insight to me in prayer. Sometimes a person will reflect something back to me and I get this “A-ha” moment that maybe I’d better pay attention. Have you ever thought about this? Am I the only one? Does God seemingly toss a detour in whatever path you are taking?
I feel grateful knowing this insight is there from scripture for us. It is meant to give us peace. Does it give you peace? Does it help you find the best in yourself? Does it stop you long enough to meditate and pray?
When things go wrong, and we know they do, do you question God? Or do you Praise God and ask for continued guidance?
Take the time to cultivate a relationship with your creator. He knows you well. Blessings for a super day, Delight in Living!