Everyone I know has things they have celebrated. It may have been a wedding, communion, or a holiday. The memories of these joyful experiences linger and remain with us thorough out our lives. It is a good thing to be festive. We smile, we laugh, and best of all we are in community with our friends or family members. It relieves the tension of daily pressures. There is often music and singing. 
I remember celebrating the arrival of our new dog, Rosy. She was an American Bulldog about a year old. We got her a bed, a new collar, and welcomed her into our home. She has a perpetual smile on her face, but a mighty bark.
The first time outside she surveyed the yard from end to end and then she hopped on the backyard swing with my husband. It was as if this would be her spot. It has indeed been that way. Anyone who happens to visit and sit on the swing, better be aware that soon a dog will soon be sitting next to you. It’s pretty funny when you turn around and have a dog face-to-face with you. This is her perch where she can observe the yard, the ground squirrels, and anyone around.
Today we are celebrating her 8th Birthday. Happy Birthday Girl!!! Where did all the time go? Where does time go? Sometimes we are glad when it has passed. Other times we’d like to return to a happier time. I can’t imagine these 7 years without Rosy. She is my velcro dog when I am home. She knows my moves before I do and is an alert alarm for us. This leads me to what I have learned from her.
1-One of the things Rosy has set an example in is patience. I see her waiting every morning for me to get through my routine before we go out. I see her stopping and sitting at the top of the stairs as Tony goes down so she does not trip him. I see her running upstairs to her kitchen bed as we bring up the groceries. Perhaps a treat, or not? She seems so very patient all the time!
2-Next is how to be restful. Rosy knows when to make herself known. She senses when I am tired and will lay her head on my lap. It’s as if she is telling me, “don’t move; I’ll hold you here”. And she does! My type A personality keeps me on the go far too often and she is gentle reminder to slow down. At night she will jump down off her favorite spot and remind me it is bedtime. She’ll leave and come back until I follow her to the bedroom to sleep.
3-She is a constant reminder to get up; to go outside. She stops to smell the air; to run after the squirrels. She just enjoys everything about life. I suppose we’d both become workaholics and sit at the computers or sewing machine if she’d let us. She doesn’t. When the kids and grandchildren come around, Rosy will often turn into a pup playing or rediscovering toys she hasn’t picked up for awhile. I must remember that exercise and moving are good for us regardless of age.
4-She knows when to eat and when to stop. Sometimes she will leave her food to wait until we are all together. She not only reminds me to stop eating when I am full, but to wait until I am with others to eat. A good reminder. Our other dogs would scarf down their food, as fast as, they could. Rosy is unique. Uniquely made, just as each of us are created so special.
5-This brings me to the point that God has made us each so special. First in the way we look. Like Rosy, we are all unique. We part our hair differently, like different styles to wear, and listen to different tunes. We have different dispositions. Some of us are loud and others more silent. Rosy’s coloring is so perfect; her ears perk up so alertly. She lays with her paws crossed attentively waiting to see what is next. How do you express yourself? Are you grumpy, bossy, or indifferent to others?
Secondly, the way we receive one another makes us special. Do we run to greet someone with open arms or barely acknowledge their entrance? We know how pets follow us, lean on us, and welcome us with their wagging tails. They accept our abruptness and long for their head to be scratched. When I was in Ireland a few years back, the Sheep Herder on a farm was constantly rubbing the ears of his Sheltie as it danced around him. It was obvious she wanted to please him by working attentively. I just loved watching them connect.
Today is Sunday and a perfect day to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. The temperature has risen. I think I will go celebrate some time with my Best Friend on her Birthday. Peace for the day!