Children make learning fun. They can be encouraged to be self starters! Encourage them to try new things, to read, and to write. Let’s learn from them!
Every week I see on Facebook, friends who are disgruntled about returning to work and feel badly for them. For me, I look forward to Mondays. It means a week of opportunities and growth. And it calls us to have a new vision. To put behind us what didn’t work and move forward to new ideas.
1- Pick up the phone and tackle leftover business, birthday calls, or just reach out and start new business.
2- Make it a day filled with grace. Say prayers for those on your prayer list and include all those people in nursing homes and hospitals that need help.
3- Treat yourself to lunch with a friend so you have a reward built in!
4- If there is a lot to do, break it down into smaller chunks so it doesn’t seem so overwhelming.
5- It’s okay to feel reluctant, but don’t say it aloud. That behavior makes it worse. Just dive in! Wear something you feel good in! Smile!
This is the day the Lord has made, Rejoice and Be Glad! Delight in Living!