Bring Color to Your Life.

The colors in nature are often the best to ignite us with hope and joy.   The dress designers look to the greens, blues, reds, violets, and earth colors for rich palettes.  We look to the horizon for life giving and often calming blues.   Our senses take in the warm tones from the sun and elevate our spirits so we can soar and grow.

It has always enriched me when the leaves of trees begin to fall.   Suddenly they call my name.   As a child, I would gather the leaves and press them in the pages of our telephone books.   Weeks later they would be flattened and ready to use for cards or to press between wax paper for temporary place mats.  To this day, the falling leaves open up the opportunity to dress in flannels and warm cottons as we usher in the winter days.


Bring Joy to Your Life

As a designers helper, the rainbow of colors upon the earth, help us decorate our homes.   We are very lucky to have a variegated pattern of many textures from nature as well.   The smoothness from bark or the clay earth.   We get the gritty look from the dirt and ferns.   There is the rippled effect from water or slippery look from ice.   How fortunate we are to collect these hues from our environment and to duplicate them into our lives.

So bring for the colors of your world and put them into practice.   They will elevate your spirit and help those who look at you to feel elevated too.   Blessings for your day.   Be passionate this week and dress in red.   You’ll be glad you did!